

Brown A and Buirchell BJ (2011) A field guide to the Eremophilas of Western Australia. Simon Nevill Publications pps. 335

French R, Shea G and Buirchell BJ (2008) Chapter1 in Producing lupins. Introduction and history. Department of Agriculture and Food Bulletin 4720.

Clements, JC, Buirchell, BJ, Yang H, Smith PMC, Sweetingham, MW and Smith CG (2005) Lupins. In: Singh RJ and Jauhar PP (eds.) Genetic Resources, Chromosme Engineering, and Crop Improvement Grain Legumes Volume 1. CRCPress, pp. 231-323

Palta, JA, Turner, NC, French, RJ and Buirchell, BJ (2003) in Water-saving Agriculture and Sustainable Use of Water and Land Resources. Edited by: S. Kang, Bill Davies, L. Shan and H. Cai. Shaanxi Science and Technology Press 2003. 93 – 102.

Cowling WA, Buirchell BJ and Tapia ME (1997) Promoting the conservation and use of underutilised and neglected crops. 23 Lupin Lupinus L. Monograph published by the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute. pp. 105

Buirchell BJ and Cowling WA (1998) Genetic Resources in Lupins Pages 41–66 in: Gladstones, J.S., Atkins, C.A., and Hamblin, J. (eds.) Lupins as Crop Plants: Biology, Production and Utilization. CAB International, London.

Dixon KD, Collins MT and Buirchell BJ (Editors) Orchids of South-west Australia. 2nd Edition 1989

Buirchell BJ (1988) Cultivation of Australian terrestrial orchids. Australian Orchid Worshop, Murdoch University pp 22-27

Dixon KD and Buirchell BJ (Editors) Orchids of Western Australia: Cultivation and Natural History. 1st Edition 1986


Jens D. Berger, Jon C. Clements, Matthew N. Nelson, Lars G. Kamphuis, Karam B. Singh and Bevan Buirchell (2013) The essential role of genetic resources in narrow-leafed lupin improvement. Crop and Pasture Science 64: 4 361 – 373.

J. D. Berger , B. J. Buirchell, D. J. Luckett and M. N. Nelson (2012) Domestication bottlenecks limit genetic diversity and constrain adaptation in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) Theor Appl Genet (2012) 124:637–652

Li, Chengdao; Yang, Huaan; Tao, Ye; Zheng, Zequn; Shao, Di; Li, Zhenzhong; Sweetingham, Mark; Buirchell, Bevan (2013) Rapid development of molecular markers by next-generation sequencing linked to a gene conferring phomopsis stem blight disease resistance for marker-assisted selection in lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) breeding. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 126:511–522

Adhikari KN, Edwards OW, Shaofang Wang, Ridsdill-Smith TJ and Buirchell B. (2012) The role of alkaloids in conferring aphid resistance in yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.). Crop and Pasture Science 63: 444 – 451.

Adhikari K., Buirchell BJ., and Sweetingham MW. (2012) Length of vernalization period affects flowering time in three lupin species. Plant Breeding 131, 631—636 (2012)

Berger JD, Buirchell BJ, Luckett DJ, Palta JA, Ludwig C and Liu DL (2011) How has naroow-leafed lupin changed in its 1st 40 years as an imndustrial broad-acre crop? A GXE-based characterisation of yield-related traits in Australian cultivars. Field Crops Research 126: 152-164.

Kedar Adhikari, Bevan Buirchell, Guijin Yan and mark Sweetingham (2011) Two complementary dominant genes control flowering time in albus lupin (lupinus albus L.). Plant Breeding 130: 496 – 499

Xin Li, Bevan Buirchell, Guijun Yan , Huaan Yang (2011) A molecular marker linked to the gene mollis conferring soft-seediness for marker-assisted selection applicable to a wide range of crosses in lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) breeding. Molecular Breeding (Online First)

Islam Shahidula, Wujun Ma, Junhong Ma, Buirchell BJ Appels Rudi and Guijun Yan (2011) Diversityof seed storage protein among the Australian narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) cultivars Crop and Pasture Science 62: 765 – 775.

Thomas G.J., Buirchell B.J. and Acock K.G. (2011) Re-emergence of grey leaf spot caused by Stemphylium botrysum and its implications for Western Australia lupins. Australasian Plant. Pathol. 40:

Stefanova K and Buirchell BJ (2010) Multiplicative mixed models for genetic gain assessment in lupin breeding. Crop Science 50: 880-891

Yang, H., Lin, R., Renshaw, D., Li, C., Adhikari, K., Thomas, G., Buirchell, B., Sweetingham., M., Yan, G. (2010) Development of sequence-specific PCR markers associated with a polygenic controlled trait for marker-assisted selection using a modified selective genotyping strategy: a case study on anthracnose disease resistance in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Molecular Breeding 25: 239-249.

Si P, Buirchell BJ and Sweetingham MW (2009) Improved metribuzin tolerance in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) by induced mutation and field selection. Field Crops Research 113: 282–286.

Adhikari K, Thomas G, Sweetingham M, Yang H and Buirchell B. (2009) Identification of anthracnose resistance in Lupinus albus L. and its transfer from landraces to modern cultivars. Crop and Pasture Science 60: 472-479

Cowling WA, Buirchell BJ and Falk DE (2009) A model for incorporating novel alleles from the primary pool into elite crop breeding programs while reselecting major genes for domestication or adaptation. Crop and Pasture Science 60: 1–7.

Lin, R., Renshaw, D., Luckett, D., Clements, J., Yan, G., Adhikari, K., Buirchell, B., Sweetingham, M., and Yang, H. (2009) Development of a sequence-specific PCR marker linked to the gene “pauper” conferring low alkaloids in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) for marker assisted selection. Molecular Breeding 23: 153-161

Glencross, B.D., Hawkins, W.E., Evans, D., Rutherford, N., McCafferty, P., Dods, K., Karopoulos M., Veitch, C., Sipsas, S. and Buirchell, B. (2008) Variability in the composition of lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) meals influences their digestible nutrient and energy value when fed to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 277: 220-230.

Berger, J.D., Adhikari, K., Wilkinson, D., Buirchell, B. and Sweetingham, M.W. (2008) Ecogeography of the old world lupins: 1) Ecotypic variation in yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.). AJAR 59: 691-701.

Brown AP and Buirchell BJ (2007) Eremophila densifolia subsp. erecta and E. grandiflora (Myoporaceae), two new taxa from south-west Western Australia. Nuytsia 17: 81-86.

Boersma JG, BJ Buirchell, K Sivasithamparam, H Yang (2007) Development of a PCR marker tightly linked to mollis, the gene that controls seed dormancy in Lupinus angustifolius L.. Plant Breeding 126: 612-616

Palta JA, Turner NC, French RJ and Buirchell BJ (2007) Physiological responses of lupin genotypes to terminal drought in a Mediterranean-type environment. Annals of Applied Biology 150: 269-279

Boersma JG, Buirchell BJ, Sivasithamparam K and Yang H (2007) Development of a sequence-specific PCR marker linked to the Ku gene which removes the vernalization requirement in narrow-leafed lupin. Plant Breeding 126: 306-309.

Boersma JG, Buirchell BJ, Sivasithamparam K and Yang H (2007) Development of two sequence-specific PCR markers linked to the le gene that reduces pod shattering in narrow-leafed Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) Genetics and Molecular Biology 30 (3) 623-629.

Si P, Sweetingham MW, Buirchell BJ, Bowran DG and Piper T (2006) Genotypic variation in metribuzin tolerance in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L) Australian J of Experimental Agriculture 46: 85-91

French R. and Buirchell BJ (2005) Lupin: the largest grain legume crop in Western Australia. Its adaptation and improvement through plant breeding. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 56 (11) 1169-1180.

Boersma JG, Pallotta M, Li C, Buirchell BJ, Sivasithamparam K and Yang H (2005) A genetic linkage map of narrow-leafed lupin (lupinus angustifolius) based on mflp markers Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 10(2) 331-344.

You M, Boersma JG, Buirchell BJ, Sweetingham MW, Siddique, M and Yang H (2005) A PCR-based molecular marker applicable for marker-assisted selection for anthracnose disease resistance in lupin breeding. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 10: 123-134.

J.C.Clements, M.Dracup, B. J. Buirchell and C.G. Smith (2005) Variation for seed coat and pod wall percentage and other traits in a germplasm collection and historical cultivars of lupins. Aust. J Agric. Res. 56: 75-83

Yang H, Boersma JG, You M, Buirchell BJ, Sweetingham MW. (2004) Development and implementation of a sequence-specific PCR marker linked to a gene conferring resistance to anthracnose disease in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) Molecular Breeding 14: 145-151.

Yang H, Shankar M, Buirchell BJ, Sweetingham MW, Caminero C and Smith PMC (2002) Development of molecular markers using MFLP linked to a gene conferring resistance to Diaporthe toxica in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 105:265-270

Gupta S, Buirchell BJ and Cowling WA (1995) Interspecific reproductive barriers and genomic similarity among the rough-seeded Lupinus species. Plant Breeding 115: 123-127

Sweetingham MW, Cowling WA, Buirchell BJ, Brown AGP and Shivas RG (1995) Anthracnose of lupins in Western Australia. Australian Plant Pathology 24(4) 271

Clements JC, Buirchell BJ and Cowling WA (1995) Relationships between morphological variation and geographical origins or selection history in Lupinus pilosus. Plant Breeding 115, 16-22

Bounejmate M, Buirchell BJ, Birouk A, Bouizgaren A and Saidi N (1994) Distribution naturelle au Maroc de trios especes de lupin en relation avec certains facteurs du milieu. Al Awamia 84: 29-42

Tang C, Buirchell BJ, Longnecker NE and Robson AD (1993) Variation in the growth of lupin species and genotypes in alkaline soil. Plant and Soil 155/156: 513-516.

Buirchell BJ and Cowling WA (1992) Domestication of the rough-seeded lupins. Journal of Agriculture 4:131- 137

Buirchell BJ (1992) Collection of wild Lupinus spp. in Morocco. FAO /IBPGR Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 90: 36-38

Clements JC, White PF and Buirchell BJ (1993) The root morphology of Lupinus angustifolius in relation to other Lupinus species. Australian Journal Agricultural Research 44:1367-1375.

Carstairs SA, Buirchell BJ and Cowling WA (1992) Chromosome number, size and interspecific crossing ability of three Old World lupins, Lupinus princei Harms, L. atlanticus Gladstones and L. digitatus Forskal, and implications for cytosystematic relationships among the rough-seeded lupins. Journal Royal Society of Western Australia 75: 83-87

Buirchell BJ and Hahnel R (1975) Metabolism of estradiol in the human uterus. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry 6: 1489-1494

Pearce PH, Buirchell BJ, Weaver PK and Oliver IT (1974) The development of phosphopyruvate carboxylase and gluconeogenesis in neonatal rats. Biology of the Neonate 24: 320-329

Invited Conference Talks

Buirchell BJ (1993) Domestication and potential of the rough-seeded lupins. In Advances in Lupin research, Proceedings 7th International Lupin Conference, Evora, Portugal pg 19-24

Buirchell BJ (1994) Domestication and potential of the rough-seeded lupins. Proceedings of the First Australian Lupin Technical Symposium, Perth pg 152-155

Buirchell BJ (1996) Genetic diversity in rough-seeded lupins. Towards the 21st century, 8th International Lupin Conference, Monterey 290-303

Buirchell BJ and French R (2004) Lupin – the largest grain legume crop in Western Australia. Adaptation of Plants to Water-limited Mediterranean-type Environments, Floreat Park, Western Australia. p 22.

Buirchell BJ, Boersma JG and Yang H (2005) Implementation of molecular markers and genomics: a case study in lupin breeding 2nd Australian Model Legume Workshop Rottnest Island, Western Australia. p 43

Buirchell BJ, Boersma G and Yang H (2007) Developing molecular markers linked to major genes for application in a lupin breeding program. GL-TTP workshop on “Targeting science to real needs”. Paris

Buirchell BJ (2008) Narrow-leafed lupin breeding - where to from here? In Lupins for health and wealth, (Eds Palta, JA and Berger JD) Proceedings of the 12th International Lupin Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. pp. 226-230.

Conference papers

Buirchell BJ and Hahnel R (1975) Estradiol metabolism: A control of cell growth. Proceedings of the Endocrine Society of Australia Abst. 63

Buirchell BJ and Cowling WA (1989) Development of rough-seeded lupins for agriculture. Proceedings of the 5th Australian Agronomy Conference, Perth pp 494

Buirchell BJ and Cowling WA (1993) Flowering requirements of the rough-seeded lupins. ,Proceedings 7th International Lupin Conference, Evora, Portugal pg 3-7

Buirchell BJ, Cowling WA Allen D, Grierson B and Harris D (1993) Seed alkaloids of the rough-seeded lupins. Proccedings 7th International Lupin Conference, Evora, Portugal pg 2-3

Sweetingham MW, Cowling WA, Buirchell BJ and Henderson J (1993) Resistance of Lupinus spp to leaf and root diseases caused by Pleiocheta setosa in Western Australia. In Advances in Lupin Research, Proceedings 7th International Lupin Conference, Evora, Portugal, pg 368-370

Buirchell BJ (1995) The potential for rough-seeeded lupins for southern Australia. National Pulse Workshop, Adelaide pg 29-30

Gupta S and Buirchell BJ (1996) Genetic analysis of seed permeability, sweetness, non-shattering pods and early flowering in Lupinus cosentinii, L. atlanticus and their interspecific hybrids. Towards the 21st century. 8th International Lupin Conference, Monterey 339-340

Buirchell BJ and Berlandier FA (1999) Breeding for aphid resistance in yellow lupins (Lupinus luteus). 9th International Lupin Conference, Klink, Germany.Buirchell BJ, Cooper J, Galwey, N and Cowling WA (1999) Domestication of Lupinus pilosus through mutation. 9th International Lupin Conference, Klink, Germany.Buirchell BJ and Egan J (1999) Yield trials with fully domesticated Lupinus atlanticus (Atlas lupins) in southern Australia. 9th International Lupin Conference, Klink, Germany.

Campos-Andrada MP, Baeta JP, Cowling WA and Buirchell BJ (1999) Phenotypic variation of three Lupinus cosentinii Guss. Germplasm accessions with different ggenetical origins. 9th International Lupin Conference, Klink, Germany.Cowling WA, Buirchell BJ, Frencel I, Huyghe C, Koch S, Neves-Martin JM, Romer P, Sweetingham M, von Baer E, Wink M and Yang H (1999) International evaluation of resistance to anthracnose in lupins 9th International Lupin Conference, Klink, Germany.

Cowling WA, Buirchell BJ, Sweeyingham M, Yang H, Thomas G, Luckett D, Brown APG and Hamblin J (1999) Anthracnose resistance in lupins – an innovative Australian research effort 1996-1998. 9th International Lupin Conference, Klink, Germany.Li DA, Buirchell BJ, Jones RAC and Jones MGK (1999) Identification and isolation of an endogenous resistance gene to cucumber mosaic virus in Lupinus luteus. 9th International Lupin Conference, Klink, Germany.

Liu A, Buirchell BJ, Khan T and Ridsdill-Smith J (1999) Lines of Lupinus luteus found with resistane to red-legged earth mites (Halotydeus destructor Tucker) (Acarina: Penthaleidae). 9th International Lupin Conference, Klink, Germany.Swiecicki W, Cowling WA and Buirchell BJ (1999) Databases and genetic resource evaluation in Lupinus collections 9th International Lupin Conference, Klink, Germany.

Shankar M, Sweetingham M, Buirchell B and Cowling W. (2002) Identification of a gene conferring resistance to phomopsis pod blight in Lupinus angustifolius. Plant Breeding for the 11th Millenium JA McComb (Ed.) Proceedings of the 12th Australiaian Plant Breeding Conference, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 427-428.

Shankar M, Sweetingham M, Buirchell B and Cowling W. (2002) Evidence that resistance to phomopsis stem blight and pod blight in Lupinus angustifolius cv Tanjil is controlled by different genes. Plant Breeding for the 11th Millenium JA McComb (Ed.) Proceedings of the 12th Australiaian Plant Breeding Conference, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 429-431.

Li, D.A., B. Buirchell, R.A.C. Jones, M.G. K. Jones (2002) Towards the Identification of molecular markers linked to and the isolation of a novel resistance gene to cucumber mosaic virus in Lupinus luteus Plant Breeding for the 11th Millennium. JA McComb (Ed.) Proceedings of the 12th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Perth, W. Australia, 15-20th September 2002. pp. 406-409 (Australasian Plant Breeding Assoc. Inc.)

Katia Stefanova, G. Peter Clarke and Bevan Buirchell (2005) Historical Varieties and Genetic Gain in Lupin Breeding in Western Australia. The Thredbo Conference of the Australasian Region of the International Biometric Society and of the Australasian GenStat Users Association Inc. , Thredbo Alpine Hotel, Thredbo Village, NSW, 6-11 February 2005

Ping Si, Mark Sweetingham, Bevan Buirchell and Huaan Yang (2006) Lupin mutants highly tolerant of metribuzin. Australasian Plant Breeders Conference Christchurch new Zealand 47.

Kedar Adhikari, Bevan Buirchell, Mark Sweetingham and Geoff Thomas. 2006. Development of anthracnose resistant albus lupins in Western Australia’. IN E van Santen and G.D. Hill (eds). Where Old and New World Lupins Meet. Proceedings of the 11th International Lupin Conference. Guadaljara, Jalisco, Mexico. May 4-9, 2005. International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand. Pp 57-61.

Adhikari, KN, B. Buirchell and K. Stefanova. 2006. The level of natural outcrossing and isolation distance in yellow lupins (Lupinus luteus L.). IN E van Santen and G.D. Hill (eds). Where Old and New World Lupins Meet. Proceedings of the 11th International Lupin Conference. Guadaljara, Jalisco, Mexico. May 4-9, 2005. International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand. Pp 47-49

Sweetingham, M.W., I. Frencel, B.J. Buirchell, P. Barzyk, E. Lewartowska, H.A. Yang, L. Ponomaryova, A. Yakasheva, K.N. Adhikari, C.M. Francis, G.J. Thomas, and M. da Paz Campos Andrada. 2006. Collaborative anthracnose resistance screening in Poland, Russia and Australia. IN E van Santen and G.D. Hill (eds). Where Old and New World Lupins Meet. Proceedings of the 11th International Lupin Conference. Guadaljara, Jalisco, Mexico. May 4-9, 2005. International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand. Pp 2-5.

BJ. Buirchell and H. Yang. 2006. Breeding narrow-leafed lupis in Western Australia for yield, disease resistance and quality using recurrent selection and molecular markers. IN E van Santen and G.D. Hill (eds). Where Old and New World Lupins Meet. Proceedings of the 11th International Lupin Conference. Guadaljara, Jalisco, Mexico. May 4-9, 2005. International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand. Pp 10-13.

MW Sweetingham, H. Yang, BJ. Buirchell, G. Shea and I Shield. 2006. Resistance to rust in narrow-leafed lupin and development of molecular markers. IN E van Santen and G.D. Hill (eds). Where Old and New World Lupins Meet. Proceedings of the 11th International Lupin Conference. Guadaljara, Jalisco, Mexico. May 4-9, 2005. International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand. Pp 14-16.

MW Sweetingham, J Clements, BJ. Buirchell, S Sipsas, G Thomas, J Quealy, R Jones, C Francis and CG Smith. 2006. Preliminary breeding and development of Andean Lupin for Australian agriculture. IN E van Santen and G.D. Hill (eds). Where Old and New World Lupins Meet. Proceedings of the 11th International Lupin Conference. Guadaljara, Jalisco, Mexico. May 4-9, 2005. International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand. Pp 32-34.

BJ. Buirchell, MW Sweetingham and G Thomas. 2006. Cultivar, environment and inoculum source influence the development of lupin anthracnose. IN E van Santen and G.D. Hill (eds). Where Old and New World Lupins Meet. Proceedings of the 11th International Lupin Conference. Guadaljara, Jalisco, Mexico. May 4-9, 2005. International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand. Pp 128-130.

Adhikari K., Thomas G., Buirchell B. and Sweetingham M. (2008) Identification of anthracnose resistance in yelow lupins and its incorporation into breeding lines. In Lupins for health and wealth, (Eds Palta, JA and Berger JD) Proceedings of the 12th International Lupin Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. pp. 251-254.

Yang H.and Buirchell B. (2008) Strategies in developing molecular markers for marker assisted selection in lupin breeding in Australia. In Lupins for health and wealth, (Eds Palta, JA and Berger JD) Proceedings of the 12th International Lupin Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. pp. 267-270.

Si P., Quealy J., Sweetingham M. and Buirchell B. (2008) Success in improving herbicide tolerance in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.). In Lupins for health and wealth, (Eds Palta, JA and Berger JD) Proceedings of the 12th International Lupin Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. pp. 287-290.

Berger J.D., Buirchell B.J., Palta J.A., Ludwig C., Luckett D.J. and Shrestha D. (2008) Adaptation of the Old World lupins to Mediterranean environments: Lessons from wild and domesticated germplasm. In Lupins for health and wealth, (Eds Palta, JA and Berger JD) Proceedings of the 12th International Lupin Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. pp. 355-361.

Adhikari K., Buirchell B. and Sweetingham M. (2008) Effecxt of vernalisation on various lupin species at different time intervals. In Lupins for health and wealth, (Eds Palta, JA and Berger JD) Proceedings of the 12th International Lupin Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. pp. 387-390.

Shea G., Thomas G., Buirchell B., Salam M., Diggle A., Jones M., McKirdy S. and Sweetingham M. (2008) Case study: Industry response to the lupin anthracnose incursion in Western Australia. In Lupins for health and wealth, (Eds Palta, JA and Berger JD) Proceedings of the 12th International Lupin Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. pp. 425-431.

Buirchell B. (2008) Narrow-leafed Lupin breeding in Australia – where to from here? In Lupins for health and wealth, (Eds Palta, JA and Berger JD) Proceedings of the 12th International Lupin Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia. pp. 226-230.