Representations of p-adic Groups and the Langlands Correspondence, in honor of Colin Bushnell

There will be a three-day conference honoring the legacy of Colin Bushnell on September 2 - 4, 2024 at King's College London.

The speakers are:

We expect the conference to start around 1pm on September 2nd and end by around 2pm on September 4th. We expect to have a reception and poster session for early career researchers on the evening of September 2nd. We will have a conference dinner on the evening of September 3rd, which will include an opportunity for participants to share their memories of Colin. More details will be posted shortly.

Pre-registration: If you're interested in attending, please fill out the following form.

We will soon have a link for registration. Note that by registering, you are agreeing to the Code of Conduct for the conference.

The organizers are: Fred Diamond (KCL), Guy Henniart (Orsay), Beth Romano (KCL), and Shaun Stevens (UEA).  

The conference is partially funded by the London Mathematical Society and the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research.