HOW TO PLAY: Use your arrow keys to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one! 

The Highest Score and Tile in 2048 and The End of the Game

2048 is a game that combines math and puzzling. The game's objective is to move up the scoreboard by getting pieces of the game board to line up with each other.

The game was created in 48 hours, and it has since received over 100 million players. It made so much money that it ended up being bought by Microsoft.

In this article, we'll discuss the meaning of 2048 and how you can play it!

2048 is a simple browser game that challenges you to move tiles around a board and create a 2048 tile. The goal is to get the highest score before the board fills up.

The game’s rules are easy to remember but the difficulty lies in how to maximize your strategy - which will vary from player to player.