
"Battlefield" is a popular first-person shooter (FPS) video game series developed by DICE and published by Electronic Arts (EA). The game is typically played on gaming consoles or PC using a keyboard and mouse. The specific controls can vary between different versions of the game, but here are the general keyboard controls for playing "Battlefield" on a PC:

Movement Controls:

View and Aim Controls:

Interactions and Actions:

Vehicle Controls:

Special Abilities and Gadgets:

Please note that the specific controls can vary slightly between different "Battlefield" titles and may be customizable in the game's settings. Always refer to in-game tutorials, keybindings, and settings to configure your controls to your preferences.

Additionally, "Battlefield" games often have extensive single-player campaigns and multiplayer modes, each with its own set of objectives and gameplay dynamics. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the specific objectives and rules of the mode you are playing to maximize your performance and enjoyment.