Berthier Traffic Light - internet based campaigning

UPDATE May 2020 - Traffic Light will no longer work with Google Drive (or maybe it will?)

Google has recently made changes to Google Drive that I think means that Traffic Light will no longer work with Google Drive. If you find a work around please let me know.  

See this announcement from GoogleAnd read this Article about the Changes.If you go to the section entitled "Workaround, Google shares longterm plan" at the bottom of the article you will see a possible workaround. I haven't tried this.

Traffic Light should still work with solutions such as -

So please ignore references to Google Drive on this web site and documentation.

Traffic Light

Traffic Light is an experimental front-end for Berthier that allows a Berthier campaign to be run over the internet by using a cloud storage solution such as Google Drive or Dropbox. Basically Traffic Light manages the turn sequence ensuring the two remote players aren't trying to update Berthier at the same time. The cloud service solution synchronises the campaign file between the players.

Traffic Light requires a cloud storage solution that -

How to Setup TrafficLight with Dropbox

1. Make sure both players have an active Dropbox account and have the Dropbox desktop app installed, so they can access Dropbox folders through the Windows file explorer.

2. One player (this should probably be the organizer) creates a folder in Dropbox to host the campaign and shares this with the other player. Make sure to enable all permissions ("Can Edit") when sharing.

3. Place the campaign .BTH-file in the folder, as well as any supporting files like a map image and terrain textures in the appropriate subfolders. 

4. The folder can also contain both the Berthier.exe and the TrafficLight.exe, or players can run these programs from their own systems. Either way works as long as both .exe-files are in the same folder.

5. Fire up TrafficLight.exe, go to File > Open a Cloud storage Campaign, navigate to the shared dropbox folder and open the .BTH file. Done!

Traffic Light should also work on a local area network (LAN) where you and your opponent can access shared files on a file server.

See the help file in the download for an explanation on how to set up Traffic Light to work with a cloud storage solution. You will need a little bit of technical savvy to get this working.


Click here to download Traffic Light

Known problem with the Help files (TrafficLight.chm) caused by downloading

Problem: The right pane where the text must be rendered is white blank. 

Solution: After downloading, right-click the chm file, select properties, then click “Unblock”.


Last Updated: May 2020.

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