Additional Textures for Berthier

 Download    Description

T1 Series     Towns. 

                This is part of the default set that comes with Berthier.

T2 Series  Flocked.

                Textures that simulate the "flocked" terrain that might be found on a wargames tables.

                This is part of the default set that comes with Berthier.

T3 Series  Mottled Terrain. 

                Terrain that is mottled with various colours.

T4 Series    Sand and Dirt.


T5 Series    Water.

T6 Series    Satellite Images.

                Terrain developed from satellite images of real world terrain.


T7 Series  Old Fashioned.

                Textures that are like the hand drawn features seen on some fantasy and simple wargames' maps.   


Unzip the downloaded file. Copy the texture BMPs to the Texture folder in your Berthier setup.

Remember there are only a maximum of  51 spots available for your preferred textures. So if you have too many textures delete those you don't use.


If you develop any textures for Berthier and would like to share them publicly please contact the author.

Last Updated: 4 September 2023