

Econometrics 1 (310153, Tilburg University), intensive five-week course in the Economics MSc. Program. Course focuses on identification, with many replications of papers in R. Textbook: early adopter of the brand new 'The Effect' by Nick Huntington-Klein.

Econometrics 2 (310154, Tilburg University), intensive five-week course in the Economics MSc. Program. Sequel to Ectrics 1. Topics: treatment heterogeneity, time-varying treatment effects (incl. the latest on TWFE), identifying mechanisms (incl. the latest on mediation analysis), strength of evidence (incl. Bayesian updating), external validity (incl. meta-analysis).  Same textbook as above.


Public Finance (30L106, Tilburg University), 12-week course in the BSc Program Economics. Textbook: Stiglitz and Rosengard, 'Economics of the Public Sector'. (with Elena Cettolin)

Economics for Lawyers, 10-week course in Global Law B.Sc. Program, Tilburg University. Textbook: Cooter and Ulen's 'Law and Economics'. (with Louis Raes)


Law and Economics course (M.Phil.): empirics of the economics of crime, 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011, Tilburg University.


Academic Director of the MSc Economics (as of August 2022).

Supervisor of student projects in BSc and MSc Economics Honors Program.

Member of Institutional Review Board (IRB), Tilburg University.

Board member VSB Fonds selection committee.

Photo courtesy of Ton Toemen.