

Punishment to promote prosocial behavior: a field experiment, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2023 (with Daan van Soest).

Illegal fishing practices and nautical patrol, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2023 (with Stephen Kastoryano).

Bias in expert product reviews, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022 (with Jan van Ours, featured in VoxEU column).

The dynamics of crime risk perceptions, American Law and Economics Review, 2021 (with Martin Salm).

Salience of law enforcement, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019 (with Robert Dur).

Temporal displacement of environmental crime. Evidence from marine oil pollution, J of Env Economics and Management, 2017. Related YouTube video.

The engine immobilizer: a non-starter for car thieves, The Economic Journal, June 2016 (with Jan van Ours). 

The power of a bad example. A field experiment in household garbage disposal, Environment and Behavior, 2015 (with Robert Dur, featured on Freakonomics).

Oil pollution in the Dutch sector of the North Sea, in: Angela Carpenter (ed.), Oil pollution in the North Sea, 2015 (with Kees Camphuysen).

Preventing crime through selective incapacitation, The Economic Journal, March 2013. STATA-do file and data file.

Why the police have an effect on violent crime after all. Evidence from the British Crime Survey, J of Law and Ec, Nov 2012 (with Joe Hamed).  

Does regulation of built-in security reduce crime? Evidence from a natural experiment, The Economic Journal, May 2011. (with Jan van Ours, see 'Economics focus') 

The effect of police on crime, disorder and victim precaution. Evidence from a Dutch victimization survey, Int Rev Law Ec, 2009. (with Pierre Koning)

Self-limiting crime waves, in: Jan van Dijk, Andromachi Tseloni, Graham Farrell (eds.), The International Crime Drop, 2012, Palgrave MacMillan, New York. (with Jan van Dijk)

Work in progress

Why is crime in prison so high? Lessons from a change in prison regime (with Marike Knoef and Tom van Dijk).

Open data platform for real-time indicators of water quality, under development (with Police).  

Preventing disorderly behavior with motion sensor lights: a field experiment at the Royal Palace (with Robert Dur). Related YouTube video.


KNAW Pilotfonds 'Gewaardeerd', 10k, 2021 (with Daan van Soest and Dirk Brounen).

NWO pilot program IoT community cluster, Kubernetes/custom cloud solutions, 2020.

Internal seed money for setting up Fraud lab at TiU, 100,000 euro +, 2019.

Research grant from Netherlands Environmental Protection Agency (NVWA) for project into fraud detection, 20,000 euro, 2019.

Research grant from Ministry of Justice for field experiment in prison, 100,000 euro, 2017.

Alumni Fund grant for field experiment in waste management, 2016.

Research grant from CCV for guide for policymakers in the area of burglary prevention, 2013.

Research grant from the Police Research Foundation, 145,000 euro, 2008-2010.

Research grant from the Police Academy, unit Environmental Crime, 30,000 euro, 2011.

Humane Studies Fellow, 2002, 2003.

Dr. Hendrik Muller Vaderlandsch Fonds, Research grant, 1997.