Curriculum Vitae


2000-2005 Ph.D. in Policy Analysis, RAND Graduate School. Thesis title: Police effectiveness: measurement and incentives. Dissertation committee: Jim Hosek, Arie Kapteyn, Gregory Ridgeway. External reader: James Q. Wilson. (M.Phil. September 2002)

1993-1997 B.Sc. & M.Sc. Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. GPA 4.0.


Professional experience

2008- University of Tilburg, Associate professor at the Economics Department (received tenure in April 2014).

2008 RAND Europe, Cambridge (UK). Analyst.

2006-2007 NRC Handelsblad (Dutch quality newspaper). Economics reporter. Freelance journalist as of December 2007.

2002-2006 CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, Senior Researcher.

2000-2005 RAND Corporation, Santa Monica (USA), Graduate Fellow.

1999-2000 CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, Researcher.

1997-1999 Netherlands Department of Economic Affairs, Member of Staff to the Secretary.

Visiting positions

2010 UC Berkeley, Visiting scholar at the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment.

2010 Rutgers University, Visiting scholar at the School of Criminal Justice.

2005 Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Israel). Visiting researcher at Institute of Criminology.

1997 University of Newcastle (UK). Visiting researcher at the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies.

Professional activities

2019- Openbaar Ministerie, lid van Reflectieraad.

2012- UK Ministry of Justice, member of the Academic Evaluation Committee.

2009- UK Home Office, member of the Academic Advisory Committee.