MACROS Project

MACROS - 2019-2024

Project funded by ANR under the JCJC framework (ANR- 18-CE19-0012-01). I am the PI of this project (funding: 250 k€)

The MACROS project aims at developing the new generation of flexible continuum robots. MACROS stands for Multi-Actuated Continuum RObots for Surgery. The overall aim is to develop agile robots that, thanks to careful design using multiple types of actuators and novel planning algorithms taking into account physiological motion, will be able to navigate in complex, tortuous environments.

In this project we are developing new motion planning algorithms for continuum robots, especially taking into account interactions with tissues in order to plan safer interventions. We will also develop design optimization algorithm to incorporate several actuator types in a given robot, in order to optimize its performance with respect to a given surgical intervention.

I am currently looking for a PhD student (starting date October 2021) and a postdoc (starting date on or after November 2021) to work on the MACROS project.

Information for prospective PhD students regarding the open position, including information regarding how to apply, can be found at the following link :


  • B. Rosa, V. Bordoux, and F. Nageotte, "Combining differential kinematics and optical flow for automatic labelling of continuum robots in minimally invasive surgery", Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Full text at: 10.3389/frobt.2019.00086

  • B.Rosa and M.T. Chikhaoui, Modeling and control strategies for flexible devices. In Endorobotics, 25 pages. To appear

  • C. da Costa Rocha, N. Padoy, and B. Rosa, Self-Supervised Surgical Tool Segmentation using Kinematic Information, in: Proceedings IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019), 2019