Talk and Poster Submissions

Short Talks:

Please send an abstract for your talk to by March 17th.

Everyone will have 10 minutes allocated to give their talk, with a further 5 minutes for a few questions and speaker change over.  You do not have to use all of the allocated time, but we think it is likely that you will (it is surprising how quickly 10 minutes goes by).  You are welcome to either present your talk with slides on a computer, or you can give a whiteboard talk.  If you are giving a talk with slides, please send your slides to in advance so I can have everything ready to go on the day (I will send a reminder about this closer to the time).

Tips on the talk:


The conference will be very relaxed, so please have fun presenting!  We are very grateful that you have signed up!  In particular, you do not need to worry at all about the kind of questions you might get asked -- it’s not a test.  We really like being asked questions about our work, and the best questions we get are the ones we do not know the answer to — when we get asked such questions we just respond with some variant of “That’s a good question!  I don’t know the answer!” (To be honest we also use this response if it is just a confusing question and our efforts to clarify it have failed.)