Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference 2023

All presentation spots for the 2023 conference have now been taken, but please feel free to register to attend the conference by using the google form below.

What is this?  A day-long event at Georgia Tech which gives the opportunity to

When is this? April 1st 2023 at Georgia Tech.  The 2023 conference will feature plenary talks from

Dan Margalit (Georgia Tech)

Svetlana Poznanović (Clemson University)

as well as 15 contributed talks.

What does research mean?  Think of research in the broadest terms!  You may have done a research project, be in the process of writing an honors thesis, or have done an independent reading project and want to summarize what you liked!

Who can participate?  Anyone is welcome to attend the conference!  Any undergraduate or Masters' student is welcome to present their mathematical research.

How do I get involved?  Online registration will be opening soon. If you would like to attend the conference, either as a presenter or a participant, please contact bjaye3@gatech.edu

Organizing Committee:  Orli Herscovici, Ben Jaye, and Shahaf Nitzan.  Please feel free to contact us at bjaye3@gatech.edu if you have any questions.

If you are in the Atlanta area, please also check out the Atlanta Undergraduate Mathematics Research Seminar 

This is a monthly seminar series for undergraduate students interested in research mathematics. AURMS occurs on the first Friday of each month, is organized entirely by undergraduate students.