Baby Reflexology

Reflexology is a safe, gentle (and enjoyable) natural option for calming babies, boosting their immune system and supporting the growing body. It can promote well-being as well as bringing relief from a range of childhood ailments. Whether that ailment is colic, reflux, constipation, teething, difficulty in settling or birth trauma, there are massage and reflexology techniques which can help.

A short treatment of 10-20 minutes massage/reflexology can be enough for most babies (depending on age/ailment) which gives plenty of time to teach parent/caregiver the basic reflexology and massage techniques best suited to use with their babies at home. For a baby with colic, reflex etc, one 15-minute treatment may not be enough, but they will need short and regular treatments, maybe every day to alleviate the systems. This is why learning the routines to continue the treatments at home with your baby is ideal. It is of huge benefit to not only your baby, but also a calming and powerful bonding experience for you as a parent also!

Some of the benefits of Reflexology for Babies and Children:

· Promotes bonding between parents and babies

· Fantastic for comforting mums and babies after a traumatic birth

· Improved weight gain (esp. beneficial for premature babies)

· Promotes balance and harmony

· Acts as a pain reliever and a sedative by releasing endorphins into the bloodstream

· Calming, soothing and reassuring

· Helps to boost their immune system

· Relief from digestive ailments such as coli, reflux and constipation

· Can improve circulation

· Can aid the lymphatic system in moving toxins out of the body

· Can help to regulate sleep patterns

· Improves muscle tone and joint mobility

· Relief from growing pains

· Calming for children with ADD, ADHD, Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome

· Can help reduce incident or severity of bedwetting in 5-10 year olds.

Added benefits for Teenagers:

· Improves concentration for school and study

· Promotes self-confidence and self esteem

· Helps to balance teenage hormones during puberty

· A fantastic de-stress option for difficult times such as exam times

· Helps to combat ailments such as headaches, stomach aches, chest infections, constipation, earache and asthma etc.

Depending on the presenting condition or problem, a treatment for this age group of 25- 45 minutes may be needed.

I have completed a Baby Reflexology Instructor Training Course and as soon as it is possible to organise, I shall be putting on workshops for parents and carers in various venues. I shall be teaching simple yet effective techniques to use on your babies to promote health and wellbeing.

If you would like more information about these workshops please contact me as I am currently able to hold virtual 1 to 1 sessions on zoom if this is what is requested.