Bayit memorandum

This is the agreement that we ask all newly accepted house members to sign before they move in. 

535 W 112th Street – New York, NY, 10025

Memorandum of Agreement

Having received and accepted an offer of membership in the Beit Ephraim Food Co-op, I hereby agree to the following terms:

Moving in I understand that this agreement is not a lease agreement, and I hereby agree to execute a lease agreement with Columbia University, which will be provided by the house’s External Manager. Furthermore, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to acquire and sign this lease, though it shall be facilitated for me by the house’s External Manager.

Deposit I shall submit a $750 advance on food co-op (Kuppah) payments to the house – hereafter referred to as a “deposit” – upon moving into the house. I understand this amount will be held for the entire period of my residency at the Bayit and it does not count towards regular Kuppah payments. If I incur any indebtedness to the house, cause any property damage, incur fines under any Bayit rule, or incur a discretionary Executive Board fine, the amount owed may be deducted from my deposit. I understand the procedures under which my deposit – minus any deductions – will be returned: two weeks after I leave the house, the Financial Manager will make a recommendation to the current Executive Board that my deposit should be returned, which will need to be ratified by a majority vote of eBoard members. I understand that this “deposit” is not a housing deposit – it is an advance on Kuppah payments. As such, it will not be held in a separate account under my name, and I hereby forfeit all interest earned on this money for the period I remain at the Bayit.

Staying at the house I hereby agree to adhere to all policies, rules and practices established by the members of the house. I understand that all policies, rules and practices in this house are determined by a majority vote at eBoard meetings (including all those present, whether members of eBoard or not). In particular, I agree to abide by any fines I incur when I do not adhere to respective policies in this house. I further agree to do my Toranut (chores) weekly unless I hold an office in the house, and that I shall be fined if I fail to do my Toranut or fail to do them to the satisfaction of the Toranut coordinator. I agree to do my best to abide by the house Kashrut and Shabbat policies, as defined by the Religious Coordinator, and to attend a religious orientation when I first move into the Bayit. I understand that failure to observe Beit Ephraim policies, rules, and practices may lead to my expulsion from Beit Ephraim and 535 W. 112th Street. Finally, I understand that room selection takes place via a lottery that is basedon seniority.

Appeals I understand that every financial rule below is subject to the same appeals procedure:

• I will first discuss the issue with the relevant board member, and failing that, the Internal Manager.

• If no resolution can be attained, I will be given the opportunity to bring my issue to the Executive Board. A 50%-majority vote of eBoard will be required to overturn the financial manager’s decision.

• If I am not satisfied with the outcome of this vote, I will be given the option to request a house vote on the issue. A 66%-majority vote of the house will be required to overturn the eBoard vote. I understand that the 66%-majority vote of the house is final and binding, and I agree to abide by any decisions resulting from such a vote.

Leaving the house during a housing period I understand that if I choose to leave the house during a housing period, I must give prior notice of 30 days before my intended move out date. I further understand that if I move out during a housing period, I shall pay Kuppah until the end of the semester. I also understand that I am personally responsible for dealing with any rent issues with Columbia, and that my leaving the house during a housing period compromises the Bayit’s relationship with Columbia.

Leaving the house at the end of a housing period I agree to abide by whatever deadline for reporting the following semester’s housing the Recruiter sets. I understand that failing to meet that deadline will automatically incur a $50 fine. If I declare that I will be staying and subsequently decide not to, then I understand that I will have to pay Kuppah until either a replacement for me is found, or 6 weeks have elapsed starting from the first week of the following housing period, whichever comes first. If I declare that I will not be staying and subsequently decide that I will, I understand that my ability to stay in the house will be subject to a majority eBoard vote, which will take room availability at that point into consideration.

Guests I understand that if I want to have guests stay in my room, I am welcome to do so. I certify that I shall hold my guests accountable for upholding the rules and policies in effect in this house. I acknowledge that I will give money to the Financial Manager for the food that my guests eat while at the Bayit, in the amount of $5 per dinner eaten, and any additional money I judge reasonable for “snacking” or other meals eaten. Dinner guests I agree to pay $5 for each guest I bring to a dinner, or $3 per guest if I am cooking that night. Exceptions to this can be made if the guest or I bring additional items to the meal. I am aware that the option exists to negotiate a “package” deal with the financial manager if I have a significant other who often eats at the Bayit.

Kashrut orientation I agree to attempt to find a time to take a kashrut orientation, and if I can’t make any of the public orientation times, then I agree to seek out a time for a personal orientation from the Religious Coordinator. Furthermore, I agree to abide by the Kashrut laws as set by the Religious Coordinator to the best of my abilities. 

Religious pluralism I understand that this house is pluralistic, and I shall be considerate of the observance or lack of observance of customs of others in this house. I further agree to keep the Sabbath in all public areas of the house (defined as the kitchen and dining room), including and especially not using electronics in public areas or using the stove or oven.

Room upkeep  I agree that I will not cause any damage to the walls or floors of my room. I agree that if I want to paint the walls of my room, I am free to do so, but must have them returned to white by the time I leave. I understand that maintenance requests can be handled through Columbia University by reporting them to the External Manager. I also agree that there shall not be more than 1 person living in this room at a time. Finally, I agree that this room cannot be sublet, and I will not attempt to do so.

Loss, damages or theft I hereby indemnify and release Beit Ephraim Food Co-op and the tenant of 535 W 112 St from any claim by me for damages arising from personal injury or from loss, damage, or theft of property.

If I have already been living here, then I agree that this contract will be retroactively binding to the date I moved in.