Week 6

The Carbon Cycle

Last week we saw how the Earth has changed over 4.5 billion years with regard to many factors including, movements of the earth, CO2 levels, temperature, and life. This week we will take a closer look at how carbon is cycled and how life and the movements of the Earth contribute to that cycle. 

Day 1 

Understand how life, rocks, the atmosphere and oceans interact in the carbon cycle.

Understand how the filling or draining of the atmospheric reservoir of carbon contributes to changes in temperature via the Greenhouse Effect.

Carbon Cycle and PETM

Day  2

Day 3

Complete the EdPuzzle in Google Classroom.

Click on the image to explore more about the Carbon Cycle.

Carbon flows between and is stored in the water, land, atmosphere, and life of the planet. 

Day 4

Today we will look into the deep history of Earth to continue to create a picture of what the environment looked like and how the Earth and life might have interacted with the climate. 

Click on the image for more information about deep time periods.

Go to Google Classroom to find the activity for today. We will explore the Deep History of Earth 

Carbon Cycle Study Guide