Week 3


This week we will begin to look at density in the context of the composition of Earth. Materials that are less dense float and those that are more dense sink. At one time the earth was molten (liquid). The heavier elements sank to the center of the earth and the less dense elements floated to the top. This is the reason for the layering of the Earth shown above. 

Day 1

Density of the Earth's Crust

When Earth formed it was molten which allowed more dense molecules to sink and less dense molecules to float. The result is a general layering of the earth into areas of differing densities.

PearDeck Density

2. Introduction to the concept of density notes. 

Density = Mass / Volume. 

3. Density Simulation

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Density Study Guide

Day 5

Review and Density Quiz