Advice on how to be successful

Learn the Hiragana fast. Do not slack at the beginning like I did.



Never procrastinate, ever, period. It will make things more stressful than they need to be. Work will pile up. I guarantee you.

Staying caught up is MUCH more important than it seems.

Do the homework, otherwise you won’t know what you’re doing in class

Study as much as you can

Get a good grasp on the basics before you try and do anything too out there. Memorizing hiragana is the hardest part at the beginning, but once you get that down you can move forward pretty easily.

GOD. PLEASE. DON'T FALL BEHIND, DO YOUR HW ON TIME, sensei is NOT afraid to call on you w or w/o you doing the hw

Maintain a planner and write down your work. Communicate. Make time to ask for help, especially if you're falling behind.

Make sure to keep up with the vocabulary. Take advantage of the Quizlets and use them to study.

Get a good grasp on the basics before you try and do anything too out there. Memorizing hiragana is the hardest part at the beginning, but once you get that down you can move forward pretty easily.

Do all the practice work.

Use the retake forms

Just raise your hand, it's boring when it's just silence.

Stay on top of work

Get on top of your work

Learn the classroom commands. Sensei WILL use them against you.


Study a lot

Do the work that you are given. When you are behind, it's really hard to understand the work and practice you have to do during class time.

Always be ready to write stuff in your journal or diyt and memorize it because you are going to use it pretty much everyday

Get help from classmates

I’ve found that using Quizlet is very helpful for memorizing definitions and translations. Especially if you only have a select amount of words you need to practice. I use the learn feature to repeatedly match stuff up.

Don't fall behind on the homework because it's a lot of work to get caught back up.

I’ve found that using Quizlet is very helpful for memorizing definitions and translations. Especially if you only have a select amount of words you need to practice. I use the learn feature to repeatedly match stuff up.

Don’t procrastinate projects, just don’t

Have fun and do your homework

the class is super fun when you know what you're doing + are willing to put in the work to understand

Ask questions if you have them

practice outside of class

Learn the particles and learn them well.

Make sure you pay attention, there is no "fluff work".

Just do the work, it's for your own good. Don't mess around in other tabs during class it will come back to bite you in the ***


Always speak in Japanese if possible. It helps you to become more fluent

make sure you make your notebook organize the first

When you think it is somewhat important and worthy enough to put into your notes, put it in your notes because it's better to have more notes than not at all.

Actually do the activities sensei tells you to do, they’ll help the material stay in your brain

don't over work your self you will start to get tired of Japanese

Focus a lot on presentations

Make sure to practice writing characters and stuff even when they aren’t used in class. Many people already use English and the alphabet almost all day every day, but the same isn’t true for Japanese. If you don’t make an effort to practice it, it’s highly likely that you’ll forget. I’ve found this to be especially true for writing Kanji.

take advantage of retakes

read your answers and questions when doing homework

Study, study, study. 1 hour a day studying everyday will help you more than you think. (Sensei here: If you spend 30 minutes a day, that should be enough. If you stay on top of things, you won't need to study an hour a day)

Have fun with Japanese, but not too much fun. Insert Mountain Dew Baja Blast into sentences if you want.

Make sure to write in your DIYT, it is SOOOOO helpful

Try not overthink everything

Particles, pls do your particles because if you don't do particles then you can't make sentences and if you can't make sentences then you cannot do Japanese.

never give up when you feel like you can't do it because there's always an out and that is to study.

talk to sensei if your having problems never hold back

Make time for Japanese because this year was tough with COVID

Comments from previous years' students'

Learn your hiragana and katakana. Care about the Japanese. It’s really cool when you get far enough ahead.

Make sure to study often due to how intricate the language is studying and making sure you have the basics down will serve to create a strong foundation to learning the rest of the language.

You should pay attention and focus on the class

Do all the work. Do it well. Don't forget to study or you will drop because all of a sudden you are in a room with a bunch of people who know what they are doing, and you don't.

Don't do it if you don't plan on trying or participating. There's no real way to cheat out of a bad grade, unless you work for it, so when you have a good grade, you know you really earned it.

Do your (home)work! (This one or a variation of it came up multiple times! – Sensei)

Don't touch the structure

Study extra for Kanji

Do the homework every day and turn it in on time. This will help to find your mistakes and to be prepared for class.

Write Stuff Down! You will need to reference it later!!! It's also way easier to learn things if you practice writing it.

If you're a procrastinator, don't take Japanese

Make sure to study everything with a very strict regime since everything you learn will be used from then on.

STUDY DURING JAPANESE 1! You will need to study so that your foundation in higher levels is complete. If and only if you study your upper level years will be so much easier.

Call each other

Don't be afraid to get things wrong

Ask questions

Always write your journal & DIYT

Japanese is not fun if you don't put the work into it

Homework is an important tool for studying and practicing for assessments. Please do it.

Be prepared for class.

Pay attention to the small details in characters, as you will lose points on quizzes if you don't write them correctly. Studying them every night will help a lot with this.

Try to challenge yourself when things aren't being graded so you can play around with the language and find out

how you can use it differently.

Get help if needed

Listen to yourself. Speak out load and improve on that



Don't overthink it

Say everything out load

Participate in class activities

Work hard and have fun with it at the same time.

Focus on due dates, because once the last late assignment dates are over, there's no going back.