Getting started

About the Brain Connectivity Toolbox

The Brain Connectivity Toolbox ( is a MATLAB toolbox for complex-network (graph) analysis of structural and functional brain-connectivity data sets. Several people have contributed to the toolbox and users are welcome to contribute new functions with due acknowledgement.

All efforts have been made to avoid errors, but users are strongly urged to independently verify the accuracy and suitability of individual toolbox functions. Please report bugs or substantial improvements to Olaf Sporns or to Mika Rubinov.

Toolbox contributors

Olaf Sporns OS osporns at
Mikail Rubinov MR mika.rubinov at
Yusuke Adachi YA
Andrea Avena-Koenigsberger AA
Danielle Bassett DB
Richard Betzel RB
Nicolas Crossley NC
Joaquín Goñi JG
Alexandros Goulas AG
Christopher Honey CH
Martijn van den Heuvel MH
Rolf Kötter RK
Ludovico Minati LM
Jonathan Power JP
Caio Seguin CS
Murray Shanahan MS
Jeffrey Spielberg JS
Andrew Zalesky AZ

Getting started

What do I need to use the Brain Connectivity Toolbox?

Which network matrices can I use with the Brain Connectivity Toolbox? 

How do I install and run the Brain Connectivity Toolbox?

Simply download the toolbox (as, extract the contents of the zip file, navigate to these contents in MATLAB (or add the contents directory to the MATLAB path), and run individual functions from the MATLAB command window.

Most functions in the toolbox are standalone (have no dependencies). However, several functions are dependent on other Brain Connectivity Toolbox functions, or on MATLAB toolboxes, such as the statistics toolbox (more information for identifying dependencies).

When was the Brain Connectivity Toolbox last updated?

The toolbox is usually updated around the beginning of new year. Each new update includes release notes specifying the nature and extent of individual changes. Most functions also contain a modification history (located just below the help header). The All functions page includes dates of recent updates and additional details.

Where can I find more help?