
1980-07-20 — Our ONLY game of 1980. Why? Andrew arrived! Box seats up to $6.50.

1981-06-07 — Another new (bigger!) Frosty Malt.

1981-08-15 — Another 15 inning game; it lasted 4hr57min! This was the year of the 2 month strike.

1982-08-22 — Em's first game (in utero!). Ernie Banks Day (Em still has the shirt!!!). First time a CUBS player's number was retired. Also…actual photographs on the scorecard! On the other hand….they stopped printing the ticket prices; probably too embarrassed.

1983-07-19 — 11 hits and 12 LOB! 10 innings, 3 hours and 36 minutes of futility.

1983-07-27 — Fergie needed help this time!

1983-08-10 — More torture! Smith gives up 2 in the 9th to send the game to extras. Cards score 4 in the 13th. We rally, but Jay Johnstone (former Dodger!) hits into a game ending double play with the bases loaded!

1983-08-22 — Charlie Fox takes over as manager from Lee Elia. Carmello Martinez hits a homer in his first major league game. Johnny Bench's final appearance at Wrigley.

1983-09-10 — Andrew's REAL first game; and CUBS WIN!

1984-04-13 — Opening Day! Trout (complete game) beats Gooden! This is our year!!!!!!!!

1984-05-19 — Andrew's second game. Hey! We're 2 - 0!!


1984-09-16 — OK, so we lost. But, our MAGIC NUMBER IS 5!!! Andrew gets picked up by the (former San Diego) Chicken!! Our personal attendance goes over 2 million!!!!

1984-10-02 Playoff — My birthday! First CUBS post-season game in 39 years! Dernier leads off with a home run! The Sarge also homers in the 1st. Sutcliffe leads off the 3rd with a screamer into the right field bleachers! But, once again, so close yet so far (*@^&%@ Garvey!).

1985-07-05 — One of many scorecards with the notation "Worst game ever"! But this one also includes 'Worst CUBS inning ever" (a single, 2 doubles, 2 walks AND ONLY 1 RUN), and "Worst visitor's inning ever" (7 runs in the 7th).

1985-07-13 — Complete game…..by Valenzuela.

1985-08-17 — Another nightmare game and 7th inning! CUBS give up three straight homers followed by a strikeout and another homer (of course, one was hit by Schmidt). What would you expect when all 5 regular starters are on the disabled list!

1985-09-01 — Emmie's REAL first game! We had pretzels, popcorn, dogs, ice cream, Cracker Jack, Coke, and beer. CUBS got 15 hits and 11 walks (and still managed to leave the bases loaded three innings in a row and had 15 LOB!)! This was Derek Botelho's ONLY MLB complete game.


1986-08-24 — Pete Rose's last game at Wrigley (listed as a player-manager).


1987-05-24 — A delightful late-May 55 degrees, extra-inning victory!

1987-06-03 — CUBS score 9 runs in the 1st inning on 3 home runs, including a grand slam by Dayett. This was one of 3 grand slams (2 by CUBS) and 8 total home runs (6 by CUBS). This made up for the last time the CUBS scored 22 runs; the 1979 23 - 22 loss to the Phils.

1987-07-03 — Moyer strikes out 7 in a row! Jeffery Leonard (wearing #00) steals HOME! Paul Noce hits one of his career 3 home runs for CUBS only tally.

1987-08-02 — First time in the bleachers for Andrew and Em! Temp: 94! Trillo ties it in the 9th with a 2-out homer! Sandberg's single wins it in the 10th!

1988-06-01 — OUR 100th CUBS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1988-07-18 — CUBS score 6 in the 8th!

1988-08-08 — 8-8-88! LET THERE BE LIGHTS!!!!!!!!!! First Wrigley night game! Game time: 7:00. At about 7:45 the Goodyear blimp suddenly heads back to Glenview. The wind picks up from the west. Rain rolls in at 8:15. Jody, Greg, Gracie, et. al., do belly flops on the flooded tarp. The rain looks like diamonds in the lights. Game called at 10:30. Rained out, but very cool!


1988-09-07 — 9th inning madness! One of the greatest games ever! Wendy, Andrew, and Emily's first Wrigley night game! CUBS take an 8 - 3 lead into the 9th. Three quick hits, then Keith Hernandez hits one into the seats! Now it is 8 - 7. In comes Goose Gossage. Up steps Darryl Strawberry. The crowd mercilessly chants "Darryl...Darryl". Darryl then launches a liner into the right field bleachers! The crowd is stunned! Tie game! BUT...Palmeiro leads off with a triple and Vance Law rips a single to left! CUBS WIN!!!!!!

1989-06-23 — Wrigley Field is 75 years old!!!

1989-09-08 — A real heartbreaker! CUBS start the day 1.5 games in front of the Cards. We take a 7 - 2 lead into the 7th, but the Cards get 4 runs and then 5 more in the 8th to spoil Sandberg's 4-hit, 2-homer effort.

1989-09-23 — Magic number: 5! CUBS push across a run in the 9th! Magic number: 4!!!!!!

1989-10-04 Playoff — A battle of the 1st basemen! Gracie hits a 2-run homer in the first. But Will Clark hits a single, a double and 2 homers (one a Grand Slam) to single-handedly crush the CUBS. Maddux only lasts 4 innings and gives up 8 runs.