

Thanks to Eliane Badaoui for all the work on the conference “Crisis and resilience in developing countries” at St Joseph University of Beirut next November, looking forward! Thanks to Luca Tiberti for the invitation to talk at the Master final lecture “Modelling intrahousehold distribution to study gender inequality & individual poverty” at Florence University last spring, as well as to Nora Lustig for the invitation to the workshop “Commitment to Equity Methodology and Applications Changes, Challenges and Innovation” (CEQ, Tulane). Glad about the AFEDEV conference #2 at Paris School of Economics in July: after launching the French Development Economics Association (AFEDEV) with several colleagues some years ago, I'm happy to see all the things the lead team has achieved as well as the quality of the annual conference and the number of members. This demonstrates that openness can rhyme with quality... 


Enjoyable December seminars with nice hosts at the London School of Economics (F. Ferreira and X. Jara) and ODI London (Gundula Löffler). Great time also on continental Brittany with a seminar in Rennes and the "Journée de Microéconomie Appliquées" there as well. thanks to Maira Colacce for the great time in Montevideo for the Network on Inequality and Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean – LACEA workshop. Thanks to Hillel Rapoport for the invitation at the Migration seminar at Paris School of Economics, and his visit to Bordeaux for the Migration workshop financed by my IDEX projects. Thanks to Tanguy and Ulugbek at BSE and Ruth Hill at the World Bank for the co-organisation of the joint workshop "Assessing the Impact of Poverty and Social Transfers during Crises: Micro-simulation and Real Time Analyses",  and to all the participants from the World Bank, the LSE, the OECD and the CEQ.


Second COVID year...  The 2020 Australian Conference of Economists organized by the ESA is taking place this year and online :-(  Here is my (and others') keynote. First real-life conference: EUDN workshop in Amsterdam, sept. 2021 :-)


First COVID year, strange year. Not many conferences, as zoom workshop become so boring... we all crave for human contact. Two seminars of interest: one at WIDER on how the poor cannot comply with lockdown policies, and one for the European Social Survey on trust and compliance, also discussed in VOXEU


ASSA meeting, Atlanta. CSAE conference in development economics, Oxford. Seminars at DIW Berlin, Paris I and UNU-WIDER Helsinki. “Use of Administrative and Longitudinal Data for Distributional Analysis” conference, ISER. (Ce)2 workshop (CenEA & CeMMAP), Warsaw. XIV Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM). Workshop opportunity, mobility and wellbeing, Warsaw,. DIAL-GRETHA workshop, Bordeaux. Revealed Preferences & Welfare conference,  Brussels. Organisation of BAPECOW #2 and #3 on intrahousehold decisions in poor countries, inequality between and within households, and marriage market.


AAWE conference at Cornell. Keynotes at the UNU WIDER conference in Quito and at the microsimulation conference at the Bank of Italy. Seminars at UAB Barcelona, at the LAC department of the World Bank, at ESRI and UCD. JMA and Development conference in Bordeaux. Organisation of BAPECOW #1 (the Bordeaux APplied ECOnomic Workshop).


Presentations at the American Economic Association meeting in January, at the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE) in May and at the European Economic Association conference in August. In November, I shared the floor of a roundtable on the future of social protection at the JECO conference in Lyon. AAWE conference in Padova.


In November, I shared the floor of a roundtable on a comparison between France  and Germany regarding poverty trends and social models at the JECO conference in Lyon. In September, I gave a keynote presentation at the EUROMOD anniversary conference at the University of Essex. I have recently organized the 15th French Public Economic Conference "Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet" (LAGV), that took place in Aix-en-Provence on 13-14th of June 2016, with Kaushik Basu, François Bourguignon, Pierre-André Chiappori and Kai Konrad as keynote speakers. AAWE conference in Bordeaux.


In September, I gave a keynote at the 5th world congress of the International Microsimulation Association, check here. We have held the 14th "Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet", on June 15-16 in Aix en Provence, with Marianne Bertrand, Richard Layard and Hans-Werner Sinn as keynote speakers. Check here. In 2015, IDEP has also taken part in the organization of a series of Banque de France conferences to present Economics to a large public (notably the conference on tax-benefit system: check here). 

Below some of the past events I have attended.

Refereed conference presentations

(61) GRETHA Development conference, University of Bordeaux, France, June 2014 ; (60) World congress of the International Economic Association (IAE), Jordan, 10-14 June 2014; (59) Conference on "Recent advances in time use", Paris 1 (organizer: D. Hamermesh and E. Stancanelli), 23rd May 2014; (58) Advances in Family Economics and Applications to Developing Countries, EconomiX, University Paris 10 (organizer: E. Badaoui), December 12-13, 2013, Paris; (57) PoRESP Conference: Poverty and the Family, organized by CORE, IRES and ULB (organizer : F. Maniquet, 5-6 December 2013, Brussels; (56) Economics of Taxation workshop (organizers: E. Lehmann, E. Taugourdeau and R. Boadway), ENS Cachan-CREST, France, 1-2nd July 2013; (55) LAGV conference, Aix, France, 27-29th June 2013; (54) French Economic Conference (AFSE), Aix, France, 24-26th June 2013; (53) Economics of Taxation workshop (organizer: E. Jongen), CPB, The Hague, 25-26th May 2013; (52) IZA-WorldBank-OECD conference on Social Assistance, OECD, Paris, May 21-22, 2013; (51) Development conference, University of Bordeaux, France, 13-15 June 2012; (50) National Tax Association conference, New Orleans, 17-19 Nov. 2011; (49) Conference in honour of G. Becker, Paris, 6-8 October 2011; (48) 67th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Ann Arbor, August 2011 (presentation by coauthors); (47) New development in Welfare Economics, OECD, France, July 2011 (presentation by coauthors); (46) “Shocks in Developing countries”, DIAL, University Dauphine, Paris, June 30 2011; (45) IZA-World Bank conference on Employment and Development, Mexico, 30-31 May 2011; (44) National Tax Association conference, Chicago, 18-20 Nov. 2010; (43) ZEW workshop “Tax Policy”, Mannheim, October 2010; (42) 2nd CIER/IZA Annual Workshop: Research in Labor Economics, Bonn, 7-9 October 2010; (41) 66th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Uppsala, 23-25 August 2010; (40) Conference in Memorandum of Etta Chiuri, Bari, 1-3 July 2010; (39) IZA-OECD workshop on the redistributive effect of the crisis, Paris, 8-9 Feb. 2010; (38) IARIW conference, Kathmandu , 25-26 Sept.; (37) ESPE conference, Sevilla, 10-13th June 2009; (36) Conference on Development and Institution, CEDI, Brunel business school, 4-5 June, London; (35) IZA-World Bank conference on Employment and Development, Bonn, 4-5 May 2009; (34) Irish Economic Association meeting (IEA), 25-26 April 2009, Cork; (33) IRISS workshop, 24th Oct 2008, CEPS-INSTEAD, Luxembourg; (32) Conference of the French Economic Society (AFSE), Paris, 18th Sept. 2008; (31) Irish Economic Association meeting (IEA), 25-26 April 2008, Westport; (30) IARIW conference, Beijing, 19-22 September 2007; (29) UNU-WIDER conference, Helsinki, 7-8 September 2007; (28) IZA-World Bank conference on Employment and Development, Bonn, 8-9 June 2007; (27) Royal Economic Society, Warwick (RES), 12-13 April 2007 (26) Irish Economic Association meeting (IEA), 28-29 April 2007, Ireland; (25) 18th Annual EALE Conference, CEGEI, Prague, 21-23rd September 2002; (24) 62th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Cyprus, 27-31 August 2006; (23) Public Economic Theory conference (PET), Hanoi, 31st July to 3rd August 2006; (22) WPEG conference, university of Kent, 10-12th July 2006; (21) 20th ESPE conference, Verona, 22-24th June 2006; (20) Irish Economic Association meeting (IEA), 29-30 April 2006, Ireland; (19) Presentation at the workshop “Discrete Choice Labour Supply Models”, Galway, 8th-9th December 2005; (18) 20th Annual Congress of the EEA, Amsterdam, 26th August 2005; (17) 9th World Congress of the Econometric Society, UCL London, 24th August 2005; (16) 1st meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ), Palma de Mallorca, July 20-22, 2005; (15) Public Economic Theory (PET) conference and `Journées d’Economie Publique L.A. Gerard-Varet’, GREQAM, Marseille, 16-18th June 2005; (14) 19th ESPE conference, Paris, 16-18th June 2005; (13) Accepted paper for the 17th EALE Conference, San Fransisco [no presentation]; (12) `22ème Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée’, Hammamet, 26-27th May 2005; (11) Invited presentation at the conference “Changing Social Policies for Low-Income Families and Less-Skilled Workers in the EU and the US”, National Poverty Center and the European Union Center, University of Michigan, April 8; (10) Accepted paper for the Royal Economic Society, Nottingham, 21-23 March 2005 [no presentation]; (9) ‘The Rationale of Parenthood Choices’ conference of the Applied Econometrics Association, Pau, 4-5 Feb. 2005; (8) XII Encuentro de Economía Pública, Palma de Mallorca, February 3-4, 2005; (7) `Journées CIRPEE’, Montreal, 15-16th October 2004; (6) Invited presentation at CESifo Summer Institute (‘Taxation and the Family’ session), Venice, 25-26th July 2003; (5) `Journées d’Economie Publique L.A. Gerard-Varet’, GREQAM, Marseille, 16-17th May 2003; (4) `Journées CIRPEE’, Montreal, 23rd November 2002l (3) 14th Annual EALE Conference, Sorbonne, Paris, 19-22nd September 2002; (2) 17th Annual Congress of the EEA and 57th ESEM, Venice, 22-28th August 2002; (1) `19ème Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée’, Rennes and StMalo, 6-7th June 2002.

Invited seminar presentations

(44) University of Montpellier, 20th March 2014; (LAMETA); (43) University of Lille 1, 18th March 2014; (42) University of Cergy-Pontoise (THEMA), 13th March 2013; (41) University of Nantes, 6th of Feb. 2014; (40) Political Economy Seminar, Paris School of Economics, 27th November, 2013; (39) DIAL, Paris, 26th september 2013; (38) Universitad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 17th April 2012; (37) DEFI, Aix-en-Provence, 12th Jan. 2012; (36) GREQAM, Marseille, 12th Jan. 2012; (35) University La Sapienza, Rome, May 26th, 2011; (34) RWI, seminar, Essen, 29 Nov. 2010; (33) 4th November, seminar, 2010, CEPS-INSTEAD, Luxembourg; (32) IZA, 18th Oct. 2010, brownbag seminar; (31) IZA, 11th March 2010, brownbag seminar; (30) U. of Leuven, 15th October 2009; (29) U. of Verona, 22th June 2009; (28) CEPS-INSTEAD, 14th May. 2009, Luxembourg; (27) Internal seminar IZA, Bonn, 7th May 2009; (26) Internal seminar IZA, Bonn, 28th Nov. 2008; (25) BETA, Strasbourg, 27th Oct. 2008; (24) CREST, 9th Oct. 2008; (23) Economic theory seminar, University of Toulouse, 7th Oct. 2008; (22) IZA, 11th Sept. 2008; (21) ESRI, Dublin, 17th April 2008; (20) Free University of Berlin, 7th November 2007; (19) Warsaw University, 26th October 2007; (18) Invited seminar presentation, U. of Verona, 10th June 2007; (17) Geary Institute 15 May, 2007; (16) University Paris I, Pantheon-Sorbonne, 12th March 2007; (15) University of Bilbao, 19th Jan. 2007; (14) University of Tilburg, 27th Sept. 2006; (13) University of Leuven, 29th May 2006; (12) University of Maynooth, Ireland, 17th February 2006; (11) University College Dublin, 10th October 2005; (10) IFS, London, 21st February 2005; (9) DIW, Berlin, 27th January 2005; (8) University of Turin, 2nd December 2004; (7) Laval university, January 2004; (6) Sherbrook university, January 2004; (5) IZA, January 2004; (4) Free University of Brussels, January 2004; (3) Royal Holloway University of London, 1st October 2003; (2) Laval University, 27th March 2003; (1) UQAM, 26th March 2003.

Other communications

(28) Keynote at the conference "Making Work Pay: the case of Western Balkan countries", Belgrade University, 5th September 2013; (27) Banque de France-AMSE workshop on Labor Markets, November 2012, Marseille; (26) Keynote at the EUROMOD conference, Bucharest, 11-12th October 2012; (25) Training on “Make Work Pay” policy, DG Employment, Brussels, 29th Feb. 2012; (24) IZA workshop on labor supply and taxation; (23) IZA workshop on Welfare and Happiness, Bonn, 20-21 October 2011; (22) RSA committee, Paris, 28th Sept. 2011; (21) Workshop on family economics, June 1-2 2009, IFS, London; (20) Invited presentation at a family economics workshop, University of Verona, 16th May 2008; (19) Invited presentation on 'taxation and the low-paid in Ireland', roundtable on tax reform and poverty in preparation of the work of the Commission on taxation, Dublin, 12th May, 2008; (18) Invited presentation at the workshop on public sector pay, Office of Manpower Economics, London, 14th September 2007; (17) Invited presentation at the Workshop in Applied Microeconomics, U. of St Andrews, 12-13 September 2007; (16) COST meeting, St Gallen, 10-11 May 2007; (15) Invited presentation at University of Verona, 11th June 2007; (14) Seminar at Paris 1 Sorbonne, workshop on collective model (C. Sofer); (13) Presentation on the Polish tax-benefit system, Praxis center, Tallinn, Estonia, 24th March 2006; (12) German Science Foundation conference, Bonn, 6th October 2005; (11) Invited discussant of the session Labor Markets (chairman: J. Pisani-Ferry) at French Economic Society (AFSE), 15th September 2005; (10) IZA/SOLE Transatlantic Meeting, Buch Ammersee, 30th June-1st July 2005; (9) Meeting of the Social Situation Observatory, Tarki, Budapest, 18th April 2005; (8) Conference of the Global Development Network, Dakar, 23-26th January 2005; workshop on Labor Market Policies; (7) Invited discussant at the IZA Prize Conference "Frontiers in Labor Economics", Berlin, 24th October 2004; (6) Invited presentation at the European Commission, DG Research, Brussels, 27th September 2004, on the Micro Analysis of the European Social Agenda; (5) Invited presentation at the workshop on the Economics of the Family (Ekert-Jaffé organizer), INED, Paris, December 2003; (4) Invited presentation at the workshop on the Economics of the Family (Browning, Chiappori and Weiss organizers), Centre for Applied Micro­econo­metrics, University of Copenhagen, 25-26th August 2003; (3) Invited expert for a debate on French tax-credit at OFCE ("Table ronde sur la Prime pour l’emploi"), Paris, 16th June 2003; (2) Presentation at the conference on the French experience of tax-benefit microsimulation, CNAF, Paris, 17th October 2002; (1) Summer school of the Universitat de les Illes Balears, June 2001.

Another great time for the Honoris Causa ceremony of Orley Ashenfelter, April 2023 

Proud rochelais in 2022 and 2023. Time to work on rugbynomics...

Synchronicity 2023: just after talking about gender inequality to students at the University of Florence, I cross the 8th of March demonstration for women's rights.

Lively JMA conference 2022!

Visiting at Princeton, cool pre-lockdown souvenir of 2020 

Poor people and young economists looking for a job, on the streets of Atlanta..

The Chicago Bulls of Wine Economics (winners of the AAWE best presentation 3 years in a row, here Padova 2017)


EUROMOD anniversary, 2016

Got the blues, with P.A. Chiappori (2016 LAGV conference)

      Hey Joe (IEA world congress, June 2014)

The Chiefs debate (IEA, 2014) 


with Richard Blundell, Raj Chetty and IZA colleagues in Dublin

"Microsimulation and labor market", Dublin 2012, with Richard Blundell, Cathal O'Donogue, Andreas Peichl, Raj Chetty and Hilmar Schneider 

Conference IZA‐World Bank‐OECD on Social Assistance at OECD Paris, May 21‐22, 2013.