Voicetap The Story Behind ...

I am not a good writer but a good programmer...

Expert Voicetap Pvt. Ltd. : The company of a few genius. The Company is working on such a product which will change the meaning of Value Add Services. No longer people have to pay for what they don't want. The product is named as VIKE(Voicetap Intelligent Knowledge Expert) which actually connect knowledge seeker to knowledge expert around India and sooner or later in the Globe. The product is about to launch by February. The product already wins Red Herring Global Top 100 and Red herring Asia Top hundred.

I must say some lines about my team. I have seen a lots of blogs for the last 4 months writing about Voicetap or Mrigank Tripathi(CEO). But I can grantee one thing the the lines are too few for Mrigank and his team. I worked with them for the last 5 months and I got such an experience in the past 5 months perhaps which I haven't got earlier or will get ever. Mrigank is something like Sindbad the captain of the ship. Who never fired and nobody can stop him. His right hand Devanshu (CTO) is the Diamond of the Company. He not only got the personality, the capacity, the capability but the right attitude to guide the THREE IDIOTS( Sudhir, Mukul and Myself of course). He put a trust on us and we try our level best not to let him down. Mr Vivek akka The Avatar akka The IITean the third co-founder is another genius. I don't know what chemical he use which give him so much energy. He always put some productive Idea. He is the person who help me to fix the bugs of the product.

Here comes our two genius Siddharth Pandey and Arpit Rai. If Mrigank is the Captain, Dev and Vivek are the Piston, we are the machines then off course Sid and Arpit are the Engine oil. They are the person who represent the product out side. They are superb.

Whats the product do?

The main objective of VIKE(Voicetap Intelligent Knowledge Expert) is to connect knowledge seeker to knowledge expert via Mobile, SMS, Web(Chatting) or VOIP. A user can simply pick up is phone make a call to the service and just speak out for the expert he is looking for e.g. Carrier, Interview, IIT, Oracle, Heart Diseases, AIDS, Investments, Car loan, Cancer, Primary School or any thing. The search engine will find out any expert like a Doctor, an IITian, a Professor, a Finance Adviser, a School Principal, a student or any other expert based on various search criteria like ratings, geographical location, availability etc and make a direct conversation between them. The best thing about this product what makes it different from any other product available in the market is that the Expert are all real life people they are not a simple call center executive.

How does it make difference to the VAS industries?

Being associated with the VAS industries for the last 4 yrs and possibly after developing more than 200 VAS related products I can say one thing the main intention of the VAS companies is to make fool out of the Consumers. Today there are various VAS services available some related to Astrologies, some to Online Dating, some to Games or some to Songs related services. But whats the caller actually get by paying and amount of Rs 3/- to more than Rs 100/-. VIKE actually add value to Value Added Services. The main intention of the company is not to earn from the Consumer by providing a Value Less Service. The product already get accepted by the Global Community.
