
Asterisk Livecalls with mysql

step1 : Create table livecalls(clid varchar(20),did varchar(20),uniqueid varchar(12),channel varchar(50),call_date timestamp);

Step 2 : Open extensions.conf and write the following code

exten => _X.,1,Answer

exten => _X.,2,Agi(livecall.php,${CDR(uniqueid)},${CHANNEL},${CALLERID(num)},${CALLERID(dnid)},NEWCALL)

exten => _X.,3,Playback(welcome)

exten => _X.,4,Hangup

exten => h,1,Agi(livecall.php,${CDR(uniqueid)},${CHANNEL},${CALLERID(num)},${CALLERID(dnid)},HANGUP)

Step 3 : Reload Asterisk (Core reload)

Step 4 : Create a PHP file call livecalls.php and put the PHP file under /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/

Step 5 : Open Terminal and use the following commands to make the file executable.

a) chmod +x livecalls.php

Step 6: Now that the call in is DB you can easily display that.

Following is the contents of the livecalls.php










$conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root",'password') or die(mysql_error());

$db=mysql_select_db("livecall", $conn);



$sql="insert into livecalls (uniqueid,channel,clid,did,call_date) values('$uniqueid','$channels','$clid','$did',now())";


else if(strtoupper($action)=='HANGUP')


//Deleteing calls from live calls

$sql="delete from livecalls where uniqueid='".$uniqueid."'";


$results = mysql_query($sql,$conn);



Note : Sometimes Asterisk doesn't get hangup events in those case this system can cause problem