Steps To Cure MySQL


  1. Obviously the ‘ole check the log file for anything nasty

cat / var/log/mysqld.log

2. Stop the service

service mysqld stop

3. Check to see if the service stopped, it might be calling the wrong pid.

ps aux | grep mysql

4. Kill any mysql process that might still be running.

kill –9 ??? ???

5. (*CAREFUL*) Remove/move/backup any databases from the data directory, only do this step if you need to.

rm –Rf /var/lib/mysql/*

6. Check your gloabl options configuration file, should be similar to stevanbt’s initial post.

cat /etc/my.cnf

7. Copy over one of the preconfigured ‘sample’ server-specific options file. Global (/etc/my.cnf) file has priority over server-speciric file, but these have more options in them and have been tuned for a certain role.

cp /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-?.??.??/my-small.cnf /var/lib/mysql

8. Recreate the initial databases, this step is optional as the initscripts will do this anyway.


9. Check and set the runlevels for the service.

chkconfig - -level 345 mysqld on

chkconfig - -list mysqld

10. Start the service.

service mysqld start

11. Check the log file (step 1)