
mit email and eRRO

Dear Asad Zaman,

Today, we are writing to let you know about changes to how we contact you, how we will notify you if specific organizations seek your permission to help maintain your ORCID record, and amendments to our privacy policy that will help us identify and block spammers. What has not changed is our commitment to your privacy.

New: The ORCID Inbox

To help you manage how and when you receive notifications from ORCID, we have developed an ORCID Inbox system, orcid.org/inbox. You can choose which messages are delivered to your Inbox and how frequently you receive alerts. For more information and to reset the default weekly alert frequency, please see "About the ORCID Inbox".

New: Permission requests for ORCID record auto-updates

To reduce the amount of time you spend maintaining your ORCID record, we have been working with selected member organizations includingCrossRef and DataCite - non-profits that work with publishers and data centers to provide digital object identifiers (DOIs) - to enable automatic updates to your ORCID record. These organizations may post messages to your Inbox requesting your permission to update your record when you use your ORCID iD during manuscript submission or dataset deposit. You need grant permission only once, and may revoke permission at any time. To learn more about this feature, please see "About the ORCID Inbox". As before, we never share your email address with anyone without your consent.

Privacy Policy Changes

To help identify and block spammers from creating fake ORCID iDs and records, we now may associate your IP address with your ORCID account. As before, this information is not shared with anyone else, nor is it used for other purposes.

If we haven't seen you in a while at orcid.org, you may have missed some exciting and very useful updates:


The ORCID Team
