For students interested in writing thesis under my supervision

First, all students interested in labor economics should read this note (English / 日本語).

If you are thinking to write thesis under my supervision:


Please contact me by e-mail to make an appointment during the guidance period. I will not accept students who did not meet me during the guidance period.


(1)   Please make sure to satisfy course requirements (micro, macro, etc.)

(2)   Please take Labor Economics I taught by me in S1 term.  

-        If you are graduating in March, please take it in your second year.

-        If you are graduating in September, I would like you to take it in the second half of your first year.  But if you found this note too late, you may take Empirical Microeconomics taught by Prof. Griffen in fall as an alternative.

(3)   Please attend a joint seminar with several other ISS professors (Tanaka, Nakabayashi, Shoji, and Weese; members may change in future). It is currently Thusday 12:15-12:55, though schedule may change. You are expected to present at least once in each semester.

※In addition to the joint seminar, I'll have individual meetings and/or group meetings with my students depending on your needs.

In addition, if you would like to proceed to doctoral course,

(4)   Please attend Empirical Microeconomics Workshop (Monday 10:25-12:00)  regularly.