AvP: Invasion

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Aliens versus Predator: Invasion was a source code mod between 2000-2001 led by users Scorpion and Vegeta. Additionally, on their team were Sycopathman, Wazz, Cpl D. Hicks, KINGPIN, Vigilante212, Art Brush, Mort, alien_al, and Ice-Wolf.

The project is described as thus:

"Aliens vs Predator: Invasion will bring a combination of a single player experinece combined with multiplayer team combat to aliens vs predator. The objectives of each game are designed to promote team play while providing an single player experience. The objectives are realistic. Meaning you dont go for a flag. You must complete a task such as deactivaiting a self destruct sequence OR to escape the base. Also "rounds" are involved. Each round will be a certain time limit and when the time runs out, the round is over. Each player is given only one life per turn. There are 3 possible teams. The marines, the aliens, and the predators. Each team starts in their respective bases.

We hope to have classes for the marines. The classes for the marines are based on your weapon. There will be a limit to how many of each character class there can be for the marines.

We hope to remove the skeeter and might remove the sadar and replace it with a shotgun. That is still undecided.

Each player will be outfitted with his primary weapon and pistols though BOTH will have limited ammo but this CAN be changed by the server. The marine will be able to reload his ammo by picking up a backpack.

Finaly, the marines will NOT have access to the jetpack. The predator will NOT have access to the grappling hook. This would take away from the balance putting the alien at an unfair disadvantage."

It seems that totally new weapons were to be added, such as a combat knife, "zip gun," welder, a new kind of rocket launcher, and sniper rifle. The only released content from this mod that I know of is the deathmatch map "DM_Corridor." The mod itself was, to my knowledge, never publicly released. This may have been because of the delayed release of the editing tools.

More information can be found here.