Popular British Birds in Aviculture (4 Volume Set)
by Peter Lander & Bob Partridge
1998, 256pp, ISBN: 9781852791315
Greenfinches :
Popular British Birds in Aviculture
by Peter Lander & Bob Partridge
1998, 64pp, ISBN: 9781852790295
Siskins and Goldfinches :
Popular British Birds in Aviculture
by Peter Lander & Bob Partridge
1998, 64pp, ISBN: 9781852790301
Redpolls, Twites and Linnets :
Popular British Birds in Aviculture
by Peter Lander & Bob Partridge
1998, 64pp, ISBN: 9781852790318
Bullfinches, Chaffinches and Bramblings :
Popular British Birds in Aviculture
by Peter Lander & Bob Partridge
1998, 64pp, ISBN: 9781852790325
Breeding American Songbirds : / Breeding with American Songbirds :
Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings, Siskins
by Rob van der Hulst
2004, 320pp, ISBN: 9789090179070
This is a very interesting book about breeding many colorful songbirds from the Americas. As the name of title, four different families of songbirds are discussed and featured with brilliant color photographs throughout the book.
Book starts with a generalintroduction of American songbirds and afterwards comprehensive chapters onhousing, breeding and feeding respectively. Next chapters are on families ofthese songbirds covering in-detail 4 species of Cardinals, 7 species of Grosbeaks, 5 species of Buntings and finally 5 species of Siskins.
Each family has an introduction in thestart while every species introduction starts with its Latin name, class,order, family, information on subspecies, meaning of its Latin name, its names in Dutch, French and German Languages, its size and finally its distribution area along with a distribution map.
Every species is discussed in-depth covering topics like its natural habitats in the wild, its diet, song,subspecies, mating behaviors, its plumage throughout the year and so on. Next section mentions detailed information on its breeding in aviary, its nests,eggs and fledglings etc. There are numerous photographs showing wild birds,their habitats, aviary birds, their nests, eggs, young and parents feeding their young. Both sexes of every species are shown with many photographs.
There is also a comparison between all the females of 5 species of Buntings that are discussed in the book. Females of these species look quite similar to each other and a photo comparison along with text is helpful in distinguishing them.
All in all, it’s a superb title covering every aspect of keeping and breeding these beautiful birds. Excellent photography highlights this book.
A MUST HAVE title. Not just for keepers and breeders of these stunning birds but also for every songbird lover who wants to learn more about the wonderful world of many species of Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings and Siskins.
This book is also available in Dutch, French, German and Italian Language. You can buy it directly from author's website here :
Dutch Edition:
Kweken met Amerikaanse Zangvogels
Kardinalen, Kernbijters, Bisschoppen, Kleurvinken, Sijzen
by Rob van der Hulst
French Edition:
L'élevage des oiseaux chanteurs d'Amérique
Cardinaux, Gros-becs, Papes, Tarins
by Rob van der Hulst
German Edition:
Die Zucht von Amerikanischen Singvögeln
Kardinäle, Kernknacker und Kernbeißer, Bischöfe, Farbfinken, Zeisige
by Rob van der Hulst
Italian Edition:
Allevare gli uccelli canori Americani
Cardinali, Becchigrossi, Frosoni, Papi, Lucherini
by Rob van der Hulst
Italian Language Only:
Cardellini E Lucherini :
(Generi: Carduelis-Spinus) Vol 1
by Giorgio de Baseggio
1995, 312pp
Allevamento Dei Carduelidi :
(Generi: Carduelis-Spinus) Vol 2
by Giorgio de Baseggio
1997, 312pp
Allevamento Dei Fringillidi :
Cardellini, Lucherini, Verdoni, Fringuelli, Canarini, Fanelli, Verzellini,
Ciuffolotti, Ibridi, ecc Vol 3
by Giorgio de Baseggio
1999, 336pp
Spanish Language Only:
Caraquita :
Carduelis xanthogastra
by Dr. Carlos L. Ortega G.
Dutch Language Only:
De Putter En Zijn Kleurmutaties
by John van der Jagt
1999, 64pp / 2011, 88pp
Spanish Language Only:
El Cardenalito De Venezuela Y Sus Mutaciones
by José Moreno Sánchez & José Antonio Abellán Baños
2005, 128pp
French Language Only:
Monographie Des Fringilles (Volume 1)
(Fringillinés - Carduélinés) Histoire Naturelle et Photographies
by Michel Ottaviani
2008, 488pp, ISBN: 9782909136202
Monographie Des Fringilles (Volume 2)
(Carduélinés) Histoire Naturelle et Photographies
by Michel Ottaviani
2011, 286pp, ISBN: 9782909136349
Monographie Des Fringilles (Volume 3)
(Carduélinés) Histoire Naturelle et Photographies
by Michel Ottaviani
2011, 320pp, ISBN: 9782909136356
The Goldfinch
by Massimo Natale & Leone Giuliano Pidalà
2010, 222pp, ISBN: 9788889912027
Italian Edition:
Il Cardellino
by Massimo Natale & Leone Giuliano Pidalà
2003, 265pp +
French Edition:
Le Chardonneret
by Massimo Natale & Leone Giuliano Pidalà
German Edition:
Der Stieglitz
by Massimo Natale & Leone Giuliano Pidalà
Spanish Edition:
El Jilguero
by Massimo Natale & Leone Giuliano Pidalà