Estrildid Finches in the Picture

by Tony Jochem

2008, 500pp, ISBN: 9789080593572

Breeding Estrildid Finches (Estrildidae)

by Tony Jochem

2008, 200pp,

You can buy these books directly from author's website here :

Dutch Edition:

Prachtvinken in Beeld

by Tony Jochem

2007, 500pp, ISBN: 9789080593558

Estrildid Finches of the World

A Photographic, Descriptive and Factual Guide to All 34 Genera of Estrildidae including Waxbills, Seedcrackers, Nigritas, Twinspots, Munias, Mannikins and Grassfinches

by G.J. Huisman

2021, 396pp, ISBN: 9789090347400

Dutch Edition:

Prachtvinken van de Wereld

by G.J. Huisman

2021, 396pp, ISBN: 9789090347400

Estrildid Finches of the World

by Derek Goodwin & Martin Woodcock

1982, 328pp, ISBN: 9780801414336 / 9780565008321

Grassfinches in Australia

by Joseph M Forshaw, Mark Shephard & Anthony Pridham

2012, 336pp, ISBN: 9780643096349

A Guide to Australian Grassfinches :

Their Management, Care & Breeding

by Russell Kingston

1997, 80pp, ISBN: 9780958710220

Hancock House Encyclopedia of Estrildid Finches

by Matthew M. Vriends & Tanya M. Heming Vriends

2002, 256pp, ISBN: 9780888394934

(Slightly Different Covers)

Estrildid finches of the family Estrildidae comprise over 140 different species. This is a major title that deals with a lot of information on avicultural as well as wild aspects of these beautiful finches.

Book is divided into two main parts. First part deals with introduction with topics like lives and behaviors of these finches in the wild. Next, there are chapters on housing and care in the aviculture with good details on their proper management that includes their breeding cages, aviaries, their common illnesses, treatments, chapter on food, water and breeding.

Text is accompanied by illustrations showing indoor cages, aviary designs and various nest boxes. There are also interesting tables dealing with expert suggestions for group aviary that can house mix species. Similarly, there is good information on aviary plants that are best suitable for these finches and also those plants that should be avoided. Various band sizes and banding the birds is also discussed.

There is a color section of 56 pages showing photos of different types of aviaries and species. Excellent color pictures of species, subspecies and mutations are very helpful in identification of closely resembling species and subspecies.

Second part deals with the species accounts. Each species account contains description of species (including subspecies), their habitat, requirements in aviculture and food. Black and white illustrations of many species are also present in the species account along with their other common names.

The only thing missing in this book is distribution maps of the species. Only one range map of Gouldian Finch is shown. Also, it would be much nicer if color photo of each species is present alongside the text in the species account section instead of black and white illustrations.


This is a MUST HAVE title, not only for keepers, breeders and lovers of finches but also for everyone who is interested to know more about the wonderful world of Estrildid finches.

You can buy it directly from publisher's website here :

Estrildidos : Australianos, Oceánicos Y Asiáticos / Australian, Oceanic and Asiatic Estrildid Finches

by Antonio Javier Sanz

2018, 308pp, ISBN: 9788469791868


This is an excellent book with Outstanding Photography. Book is bilingual, written in both Spanish and English. Each and every species of Estrildid Finch that is found in Asia, Australia and Oceania is beautifully presented by the author. In total, 62 species are presented in this book, out of over 140 species that are found in the world. (African continent, which holds over 70 species of Estrildid Finches is excluded from this book).

Almost all mutations are shown in wonderful photos. Few subspecies and photos of both sexes i.e. Male and Female are shown in some (not all) species. Text includes their common and scientific names along with their sizes, natural habitats, housing in aviary, feeding, breeding and mutations. Range maps are also present. In short, this is a MUST HAVE book, not only for keepers, breeders and lovers of these beautiful finches but also for everyone who is interested to know more about the Estrildid Finches and their rare mutations.

You can buy it directly from author's website here :

Munias and Mannikins

by Robin Restall

1996, 264pp, ISBN: 9781873403518

Bicheno Finches

by A. J. Mobbs

1988, 72pp, ISBN: 9781852590383

Parrotfinches and their Mutations

by Rik Meerema & Pieter Van Den Hooven

2019, 128pp,

Parrot Finches : The Aviculturist's Guide

by Stewart Evans & Mike Fidler

1990, 107pp, ISBN: 9780713721126

The Silverbills

by Rik Meerema

2019, 88pp,

Dutch Edition:

Zilverbekjes, Loodbekjes en Parelhalsamadines

by Rik Meerema

2014, 86pp,

Australian Finches and Their Mutations

by Rik Meerema & Pieter Van Den Hooven

2017, 140pp, ISBN: 9781641364362

Dutch Edition:

Australische Prachtvinken en hun Mutaties

by Rik Meerema & Pieter Van Den Hooven

2015, 132pp,

The Complete Book of Australian Finches

by A. J. Mobbs

1990, 144pp, ISBN: 9780793802951


Australian Finches in Bush and Aviary

by Neville William Cayley

1932, 256pp

Australian Finches : Australian Finches in Bush and Aviary

by Klaus Immelmann & Neville William Cayley

1965, 196pp, ISBN: 9780207943379

1982, 224pp, ISBN: 9780207141652

Klaus Immelmann, as co-author in later editions.




Breeding Australian Finches

by G. W. Iles

1976, 96pp, ISBN: 9780905714028 / 9780207135507

Care & Breeding of Australian Finches

by Elizabeth Blewett & Margo Kroyer-Pedersen

1978, 64pp, ISBN: 9780727008817

The Bengalese Finch

by Fred Panjer & Jan Wigmore

2002, 142pp

The Bengalese Finch

by James Buchan

1976, 96pp, ISBN: 9780905714004



Society Finches

by Mervin F. Roberts

1979, 93pp, ISBN: 9780876669907



Breeding Society Finches

by Mervin F. Roberts

1979, 93pp, ISBN: 9780876669914