Army Factions

West Somerset factions: Nik Harwood

  • Nationalist / Royalist:
    • Luttrell Yeomanry
    • The Crown Estate
  • British Union of Fascists
  • Socialists
    • Grand Union of Marxist Railway Workers (West Somerset Railway)
    • Paper Makers Collective (Watchet)
    • Doniford Bay Dockers (Watchet)
  • Anglican League
    • Parish of St George Yeomanry
  • Local Defence Volunteers
    • Dunster Foresters
  • West Somerset Hauliers & Highwaymen (Brigands)

North Bristol/South Gloucestershire Factions: Craig Thomson

  • Anglican League:
  • Bath's Anglican League Territoral Infantry (BALTI), garrisoned at Doddington Park,South Gloucetershire.
  • 3rd Southern Anglican Gunners (SAG), Anglican Logistics, & Ordnance Office (ALOO), stationed at Dryham Park, South Gloucestershire
  • Bath Anglican Joint intelligence services (BAJIS), Stationed at Bath Green Park Railway Station, Bath.
  • Coalpit Heath Anglican Priest Air Training Instructors (CHAPATI), stationed at Parnall Works, Yate.
  • Briitish Union of Facists
  • Filton Facist (FiFa), garrisoned at Filton Airfield North Bristol, responsible for protecting the aircarft works at Filton and Yate.
  • United Englands Farmers Army (UEFA), in the villages to the North of Bristol,local headquaters at Whale Wharf, Littleton Upon Severn, South Gloucestershre

The Army of the Severn Valley (Royalist Edward VIII)

  • The 33rd Infantry Brigade O/C Brigadier-General Lord Melchett, with the following units under command:
  • The Gloucestershire Regiment
    • 1st Battalion under the command of Lt Col 'Cad' Carstairs, Major 'Beastly' Blenkinsop and Capt 'Crikey' Carruthers.
  • The Royal Gloucestershire Hussars
  • The Kings German Legion
    • 3rd SS 'Black Forest' Jager Bataillon under the command of SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Horst Jankowski and SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Otto Krug.
    • 1st SS Sturmkompanie under the command of Willi 'Rot' Weiler.
  • Gloucestershire Auxiliary Police Force
    • 2nd Battalion Staple Hill Division under the command of Major 'Weirdly' Strangeways and Captain 'Dodgy' Crookenden.
  • British Union of Fascists
    • Kingswood Fascist Committee under the command of Colonel Saunders, Major Reilly-Ffoul and Captain H. P. Flashman.
  • The 2nd CCNN Division "Fiame Nere" of the Corpo de Spedizione Italiano
    • 7th Gruppo de Banderas under the command of Console Mario Lanza.
    • 724th Bandera "Inflessibile" under the command of 1st Seniore Vandelli and Seniore Pettinare.
    • 735th Bandera "Implacabile" under the command of 1st Seniore Angelucci and Seniore Fausto.
    • Agrupacion de Carros under the command of Major Lohengrin Giraud.
    • 1st Tank company under the command of Capitan O. Fortuna.
    • 2nd Tank Company under the command of Capitan Paladini.
    • 3td Tank company under the command of Capitan Miduri.

The Loyal Army of the South (Parliamentarian)

  • Prince Alberts Somerset Light Infantry
    • 2nd Battalion "Bertie's Boys" under the command of Lt-Col 'Biffo' Frimley-Green, Major 'Bonzo' Atkinson and Captain 'Wizard' Watkins.
    • Captain 'Wagger' Thorntons Imperial Light Horse.
  • Somerset Freedom Fighters
    • Wansdyke 5th Peoples Flying Column under the command of Major Stanton Prior, Captain Whitley Batts and Lieutenant-Commissar Norton Malreward.
  • Clarks' Commandos
  • Swineshead Hundred Local Defense Force Volunteers