Triangulated Categories in Geometry and Representation Theory

University of Sydney

24-28 June 2019



All lectures will be in the Abercrombie Building on the corner of Abercrombie St. and Codrington St.. We will be in Lecture Theatre 2080.



Lecture Series

In addition to research talks, the workshop will feature three lecture series:

  • Asilata Bapat, Anand Deopurkar, and Anthony Licata on ''Groups, Spherical Twists and Stability Conditions''.
  • Julia Pevtsova on ''Supports and Cosupports in the Stable Module Category''.
  • Greg Stevenson on ''Smoothness and Properness of DG Categories''.

Other Activities

  • There will be a conference dinner Thursday, 27 June at 6:30 at Thai Pothung. The restaurant is a short walking distance from the university. It will be a banquet-style dinner with vegetarian options, and it costs $49/person (the speakers are covered by the conference). If you are interested in joining the dinner please email Kevin Coulembier.
  • Weather permitting, we will organise some hikes during the free afternoon on Wednesday, 26 June. Stay tuned for more details.


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