Physics of Remote Sensing

Feeling lost amidst the arcane physics terms involved in RS? This series of pages are to help you out.

Shadow within shadow

How can a shadow appear for an object that is already inside the shadow of another object?

Figure out my answer for this question on this page.

Shadow within shadow

Microwave RS - physical concepts

Coming up next,

Microwave Remote Sensing, by all means is a new dimension into Remote Sensing. Matter interacts differently with microwaves because of their longer wavelengths. To understand how earth material manifest in a microwave image, we need to understand the very rules that define their interaction.

These sets of physics concepts become fundamental to our understanding of microwave remote sensing, but sadly no proper text gives a treatment on them.

In this 3 part lecture series, I sew these concepts together like a story and give them a comprehensive picture when unfolded.

Checkout the supporting matlab scripts too.