On geometric properties of sliced/disintegrated optimal transport metrics (Applied Topology Seminar, 2024/04/10, オンライン).
Sliced and Disintegrated Monge--Kantocovich metrics (Summer school on Optimal Transport, Stochastic Analysis and Applications to Machine Learning, 2024/06/11, KAIST)
Non-preservation of concavity properties by the Dirichlet heat flow on Riemannian manifolds (Optimal Transport and Dynamics, 2024/08/15, BIRS (Oaxaca))
Generalization of concavity/Preservation of concavity by the Dirichlet heat flow (Geometric and Functional Analysis in Saitama, 2024/10/29, Saitama University)
積分分解と最適輸送理論(小研究会 「第2回一般相対論と幾何」,2024/11/19, 名古屋大学)