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Ambassador David D. Pearce on SKAI TV’s Econews!

USEmbassy Athens

Published on Oct 7, 2015 U.S. Ambassador to Greece David D. Pearce appeared on SKAI TV’s Econews on Saturday, October 3 to help increase awareness of the U.S. Climate Change Policy and National Ocean Policy. The Ambassador addressed the importance of volunteering as an important tool in implementing social and environmental policies. In his interview, the Ambassador discusses how the U.S. Embassy in Athens decided to partner with NGO Archelon to help raise awareness of marine ecosystems protection, and emphasizes how despite the economic crisis in Greece, volunteers help social and environmental NGOs fulfil their work and mission.

The interview covers how climate change has become a U.S. policy focal point, with President Barack Obama committing to fight climate change and steps the U.S. Government is taking on the significant opportunity for an international climate agreement in December in Paris. In addition, the Ambassador agrees that businesses and the economy have often been influenced by major events such as switching energy sources from coal to steam to oil and gas, but that he believes that there will be many new and different business opportunities with new clean energy technologies. The Ambassador opined that alternative energy sources will not only be beneficial for the survival of the planet, but will also create a positive economic outcomes.

duration 06:03 minutes διάρκεια 06:03 λεπτά της ώρας

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