
Making Google Better

Some Ideas!

What do we have to offer to a company as big as Google? A lot. In fact, as a proficient and able user of their services, I feel, we should not let any of our brilliant ideas go waste. It may help us lead a more comfortable life. Comfort and laziness should be topics of another blog entry, which is why I shall not dwell anymore on them here.

Coming to my idea. I would like to suggest Google to create a pseudo file system for every Gmail account. All attachments may be listed as a directory structure and also linked to the respective message. Same attachment coming from different mails can thus be stored only once. A unique advantage of this is advanced search possibilities. Files can be easily searched based on their type and content in addition to their natural linkage to the mail they come from. I have received a lot of forwarded messages from my friends who do not find it necessary to write the relevant words in the accompanying mail or the subject line (despite my pleadings to refrain from such idiocy). The attachment thus is the only object of interest.

This brings me to another idea. I would like to be able to link an attachment through my googlepages web pages to be viewed by the outside world. This saves me from redundant uploads and saves space. With attachments stored in a directory structure and accessible across Google products (maybe also Google Talk), their value is enhanced.

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