Cataloging Problems Discussion Group (CPDG) has met at the annual conference of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) since the mid 1970s. It started as multiple groups devoted to description, subject headings, and classification but eventually merged into one. There used to be a notebook of letters to LC and other agencies that was prepared for perusal during the conference; after the conference, it would be sent around to folks on request, interlibrary loan style. With the advent of widespread internet usage, it has been replaced by electronic lists and other "modern" means of communication. There is an arlis-cpdg list, based at NYU. If you would like to subscribe, send a message to Sherman Clarke at sherman.clarke@gmail.com

Below are some things that might be of interest even though they may not directly or exclusively relate to art subject cataloging or Art SACO. There are also some art cataloging reports on http://artcataloging.net/