Fixtures Libs


If you need to insert some personal library you can use Avolites Personality Builder

Only on R10:

You can continue using old methods to create or insert new fixtures but with R10, folder has changed and now you need to leave your Fixture Library on:

INTERNAL STORAGE/Android/data/com.litux.art_net_controller/files/FIXTURES (when INTERNAL_STORAGE can be SDCARD or EMULATED or whatever ,...)

Also in R10 you can share or open files with D4 extension with the APP and automatically will be deployed on the right place

NEW OPTION ZERO : NEW FREE APP to install Libraries Click here

App is compatible with Avolites Titan Libs also knows as D4...

D4 files must be placed on "fixtures_libs" directory (folder) of your SDCARD (This folder will be created first time you try to search this content... or you can create it manually.

All the files that you leave in this directory will be showed by App, so first, you need to load some Libs

You have four methods to place the Libs Files.


Install Avolites Titan Simulator then, on website, Download and install Titan PC Suite Personalities... (Support > Personality Library)

Go to installation directory (normally C:\Program Files\Avolites\Titan\FixtureLibrary) copy/paste all D4 files (or just the needed) on "fixture_libs" directory located on your SDCARD (or simulated)


In Avo website go to Software > Personalities > Select Desk as Titan Mobile > Choice Manufacturer > Select Fixture > Click on Fixture >Then View Source...

...and finally Copy & Paste all the file content to a TXT file then save it with a name that refert to the content, and copy it on "fixtures_libs" directory located on your SDCARD (or simulated)

This is a very slow process but can be effective if you just need to patch one or two fixtures


Download the ZIP located at the end of this page...unpack*... and copy content (or just the needed) on "fixtures_libs" directory located on your SDCARD.

*ZIP file contain the "fixtures_libs" folder itselfs so, choice your sdcard as a destination folder.


Files lib are xml so create your own lib an place it on "fixtures_libs" directory located on your SDCARD(or simulated):

Example for one fixture with Shutter, Dimmer, Pan an Tilt (16bits resolution) :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Fixture Name="NAME OF THE FIXTURE" ShortName="Short Name" Company="Manufacturer">


<Attribute ID="Shutter" > <!-- ID is unique value ... must be same that in <Include> see below -->

<Locate Locate="2" /> <!-- ... value related to Locate this line means function with ID 2 -->

<Function ID="1" Dmx="0~19" /> <!-- ID is unique identificator used for "locate" or "macro" reference, Dmx is values for this function from 0 to 255 and for 0 to 65535 for 16bits -->

<Function ID="2" Dmx="20~49" />

<Function ID="3" Dmx="228~237"/>


<Attribute ID="Dimmer">

<Locate Locate="1:100" /> <!-- ... value related to Locate this line means function with ID 1 at Full... so Dimmer channel at 255 -->

<Function ID="1" Dmx="0~255"/>


<Attribute ID="Pan">

<Locate Locate="1:50" /> <!-- ... value related to Locate this line means function with ID 1 at 50%.. -->

<Function ID="1" Dmx="0~65535" />


<Attribute ID="Tilt">

<Locate Locate="1:50" />

<Function ID="1" Dmx="0~65535" />



<Mode Name="Name of the mode" Channels="6">

<Include> <!-- ID "Dimmer" , "Pan" & "Tilt" are protected name that App use to know where to place it and know if is HTP or not . Fixtures with more than one Dimmer can be Identifier as xxx_Dimmer and will be placed as HTP -->

<Attribute ID="Shutter" ChannelOffset="1" /> <!-- ID with unique value (without spaces) and Channel offset of parameter -->

<Attribute ID="Dimmer" ChannelOffset="2" />

<Attribute ID="Pan" ChannelOffset="3,4"/> <!-- Two values on ChannelOffset means 16 bits resolution, First MSB then LSB -->

<Attribute ID="Tilt" ChannelOffset="5,6"/>



<!-- ... you can include more Modes -->

<Macro> <!-- Macro main -->

<Macro Name="Lamp On"> <!-- New macro an its name -->

<Set Channel="Shutter:3" Delay="6000" /> <!-- Value related to Attribute ID : Function ID .... Delay in miliseconds -->

<Set Channel="Shutter:1" Delay="0" />


