Article dans un journal spécialisé sur les éoliennes

Post date: Sep 29, 2015 1:16:06 PM

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Date : 29/09/2015

A dairy farmer in the Somme department of northern France is suing wind park operator CSO Energy following a dramatic drop in milk production since the 48MW Nouvion-St Riquier facility was built nearby. The closest turbines – Enercon E70 2MW machines – are 1.8km away.

Yann Joly noticed milk production fell from 10,000 litres a year to 7000 litres after the first turbines were installed in 2011 and then to 5000 litres after the plant was extended in 2013.

After numerous tests by vets and agricultural experts yielded no results, Joly concluded that the turbines were to blame. He called in geo-biologist Arthur Revel, who supported his theory. While acknowledging that geo-biology is not recognised by the scientific community, Revel believes the cows were suffering from “profound stress” caused by the vibrations from the turbines passing through the subsoil.

In the first case of its kind in France, Joly has now taken the operator to court, calling for the turbines to be removed and claiming EUR356,900 in compensation.

Mme Jan Dodd


Windpower Monthly

Windpower Offshore