describing a project

first you give general information about the project and:

  • reason/perpuse of building
  • shape/design of building
  • component/substance of building
  • start and end date/under construction

here is a example of describing a complex which writed by solidere-group:


Lot 2 Marfaa / Sector E / Entertainment Complex / BUA around 20,000 sq m / Valode et Pistre (France) and Annabel Kassar / Under Construction /

Department Store / BUA around 26,300 sq m / Zaha Hadid Architects (UK-Iraq) / Under Design /

Khan Antoun Bey Square / Area around 10,000 sq m / Under Design / Khan Antoun Bey Parking / 330 car spaces / Annabel Kassar / Under Construction /

Lot 12 Marfaa / L’Orient Le Jour Building / BUA around 5,000 sq m / Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (UK) and Samir Khairallah / Under Design


The Entertainment Complex is conceived as a major entertainment destination in an avant-garde structure, composed of two parts: the cinemas and the entertainment component. Construction started in February 2010 and is due to be completed end 2012.


Adjacent to Banque de Syrie et du Liban, this L-shaped building presents a continuation to the Entertainment Complex, housing various types of restaurants. Its western part will house Atelier Joel Robuchon, and its upper roof terrace the Sultan Ibrahim restaurant.