
A brief overview of research topics and experience gained.

I am interested in the application of computer vision and artificial intelligence algorithms for automation and digitalization of the decision-making processes in Industry and Healthcare.

Industrial engineering

    • I have developed the Computer vision solution for dimensional inspection of extruded rubber profiles, which is published in IEEE ACCESS (IF2018=4.098).

    • I have developed a JavaScript mobile app for the management of unsafe conditions and unsafe acts in SMEs, which is published in Safety Science (IF2018=3.69).

    • I have developed (Python 3, Qt 5, OpenCV 3.4) solution for tracking pallets by using QR codes and IP cameras.

    • Industry collaboration and consulting: I am working on the development of machine vision-based inspection of leather in the automotive industry.

    • (In progress) I am working on fusing Computer Vision (Pose estimation) with IoT (force sensors, wearables) for ensuring Workplace safety.

Biomedical engineering

    • I am developing tools for computer-aided diagnosis of Primary Sjogren's syndrome (pSS) from Salivary gland ultrasonography (SGUS) images. So far, we have developed the radiomics based approach - published in IEEE JBHI (IF2018=4.217). At the moment, we are working on the application of various Deep learning (DL) architectures for semantic segmentation (FCN, FC-ResNet, U-Net, LinkNet) and instance segmentation (Mask R-CNN) - work on DL is done in collaboration with Milos Radovic.

    • In collaboration with Danko Milasinovic (PI), I have contributed to the development of dfemtoolz (; an open-source C++ library for efficient imposing of materials and boundary conditions in finite element biomedical simulations. The study is published in Computer Physics Communications journal (IF2018=3.309).

Period 2014-2019

I have been focused on the topic of image-based modeling in biomedical engineering. It represents multidisciplinary research with aim to: a) make simulation-ready models (including patient-specific geometry, material properties and boundary conditions) of human physiology from its corresponding medical scans; b) analyze obtained simulation's results in order to find relevant conclusions.

Particularly, I have gained experience in the modeling of:

To release my tasks, besides using Finite Element Analysis - FEA (structural and fluid flow) i have gained skills to use various algorithms from the field of computational geometry, computer vision, image analysis, optimization, fitting and machine learning (primarily classification). Consequently, i was curious in free time and did some research by applying learned classification/optimization algorithms for developing various medical decision support systems for: predicting outcome of bladder cancer, predicting the outcome of choledocholithiasis surgery (both in collaboration with Prof. Miroslav Stojadinovic) and for efficient estimation of material properties of human cortical bones. Very interesting and useful topic tho.

Please click on links-subpages bellow to get more info (graphical abstracts and key-points) about studies related to specific topics.