Acknowledgements and Thanks

The members of ARRA would like to recognize that without the tremendous efforts of both auto racing writers and photographers, our research work would be much more difficult! It's the tireless effort of both sides that contribute the weekly coverage in publications such as track souvenir programs, racing papers and web based reporting outlets that allow us to search out the facts on each and every win that we are looking for. We would also like to acknowledge all of the various fans and racing "insiders" who have contributed research of their own...or had provided a direction to go toward in seeking more information for a particular task. The task of researching facts and figures in racing is by far a laborious and oft times, boring job. We do it because we want to contribute to the sports allow it to be remembered like it was, providing those in the future, with an idea - a look back at the past, so that they can appreciate the present and the future.