Student Scholarship

We have entered into an agreement with the University of Maryland's College of Agriculture and Natural Resources to establish a scholarship for junior, senior, or graduate students pursuing a degree in animal, dairy, or poultry sciences as well as aquaculture at the University of Maryland.

If you would like to support this effort with a tax-deductible contribution, use the link provided below to make a secure donation. You may also mail a check to the address shown. Monies will be held by the University and earmarked solely for student scholarships. There are no direct or indirect costs for this fund.

Give Online

Give by Mail

Make your check payable to:

"University of Maryland College Park Foundation" and list "ARPAS Washington DC Area Chapter" in the memo line

Mail your contribution to:

Office of Gift Acceptance

4603 Calvert Road

College Park, MD 20740

Thank you for your support!