Dr. Vernon G. Pursel Memorial Distinguished Service Award

Nominations now being accepted through April 15, 2025. Send nomination material to Robin Keyser, robin.keyser@comcast.net.

Award Information

       I. Name of the award: Washington, D.C., ARPAS Chapter, Dr. Vernon G. Pursel Memorial Distinguished Service in Animal Science Award.

    II. Nature of award: Presentation of an appropriate plaque and recognition at the annual meeting of the Chapter.

  III. Purpose: To recognize 1 individual each year who has provided distinguished service to the animal sciences and whose professional character, career,

                             and accomplishments have served to create a positive image for Professional Animal Scientists.

  IV. Eligibility for nomination:  

        1) Persons who have rendered very distinguished service to the animal sciences over a long period of time.

        2) A part of the service time to the animal sciences must have been within the geographical Region served by the Washington Area ARPAS Chapter.

    V. Selection: 

        1) One person each year may be selected from any one of the following categories: government, teaching, research, extension, administration, or


        2) After reviewing the nominations, the Award Selection Committee has the option of deciding to not present the award for that year.

        3) The candidate selected must be approved by the Chapter Board of Directors prior to presentation of the award.

  VI. Award Selection Committee: 

        1) The committee will consist of a chair and 3 members. The chair and one member will be replaced each year.

        2) The Chapter Past President will serve as chair.

        3) Selection of the committee members will be made by the Chapter Governing Board.

VII. Material to be supplied by nominator: 

        1) Letter of nomination

        2) A dossier of not more than 5 pages that contains the following material:

                a. Biographical information

                b. Summary of nominee's accomplishments and contributions to the animal sciences.

                c. Formatting should conform to Times New Roman, 12 pt, single-spaced, and 1-inch margins.

        3) One copy of a citation of approximately 500 words suitable for publication in The Professional Animal Scientist.

   VIII. Nomination procedure: 

        1) Each year, the deadline for nomination submissions will be either April 15 or a deadline determined and announced by the Chapter President.

        2) Nomination material is to be submitted to the Chapter Secretary

        3) Neither the nominator nor the nominee is required to be a member of ARPAS ... but it is highly recommended!

Past Distinguished Service Awardees

For distinguished service to the animal sciences and in recognition of professional character and career accomplishments that serve as a model for professional animal scientists, the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS honors the following:

2024 Susan Harper

2023 M. Jennifer Woodard-Greene

2022 Suzanne Sechen and Michaela (Mika) Alewynse

2021 Suzanne Hubbard

2020 Curtis Van Tassell

2019      Robert R. Peters

2018      Paul VanRaden and Richard Sellers

2017      Richard Reynnells

2016      Robin Keyser    

2015      George Wiggans and Rich Erdman

2014      Sharon Benz

2013      Scott Lough

2012      Kristi Smedley

2011      Daniel Benz

2010      JoAnn Van Kessel

2009      H. Duane Norman

2008      Robert H. Miller

2007      Max J. Paape

2006      Anthony V. Capuco

2005      Lewis W. Smith

2004      William D. Price

2003      Barbara P. Glenn

2002      Roger J. Gerrits

2001      Vernon G. Pursel

2000      Lonnie W. Luther

1999      Gerald E. Poley

1998      Robert G. Zimbelman

1997      Leonard Slyter

1996      Lee H. Boyd

1995      Clair E. Terrill

1994      Robert R. Oltjen

1993      Theron S. Rumsey

1992      William A. Olson

1991      Jack C. Taylor

1990      Edgar P. Young