Contact Us

If you would like to be added to our mailing list, you may join our "Google Group" mailing list. You do not have to have a gmail account to join the list. For now, this group will not be a functioning listserv, in that only group administrators may send/post messages to the group. If you were previously on our email list, you should have been automatically added to Google Group distribution list.

If you are not currently signed into a Google Account, you should see a link below that says, "sign in to view this group." If you do not have (and do not want) a gmail account, that is not a problem. Click the link below (or here: Sign in to view this group), and when the log-in page displays, you will see a red button that says "sign up" in the top right corner. This will allow you to create a log-in account by selecting "I prefer to use my current email address" when prompted for your gmail address. Follow the remaining prompts and you can join the group. Otherwise, contact the ARPAS board at, and we can add you directly without your having to create an account. Once a member, you will get a message in your email box and be able to view it below; however, if directly added, you will get a personal email but likely will be unable to see the posting below.

The chapter board may be reached at