
Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to read about Pic Forward, we hope you’ll be able to participate with your students!

Please note that this is a class project by students in grades 4, 5 & 6 in Toronto, Canada. As their teacher, my goal with this project is to encourage them to make responsible and positive decisions regarding their use of technology. As a Teacher-Librarian and Media Literacy teacher, many of my lessons are centered around digital citizenship, positive digital footprints, healthy living/relationships and global competencies. My overall teaching goal is for my students to be excellent global citizens online and in real life. I can’t think of a better way to introduce these topics than with an authentic project where we can think critically about social media and our uses of digital tools.

Some of the main themes and topics my classes will touch on through the course of this year-long project are:

    • Digital Citizenship
    • Internet Safety
    • Communication
    • Problem Solving
    • Collaboration
    • Digital Fluency
    • Reading and Writing
    • Media Forms & Literacy
    • Positive Digital Footprints
    • Healthy Living
    • Critical and Creative Skills
    • Global Citizenship & Character

-Larissa Aradj @MrsGeekChic

Teacher-Librarian & Media Literacy French Immersion Teacher

Lord Lansdowne PS, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

For more information about Digital Citizenship and education check out the following websites:



