
         Books, Edited Proceedings and Journal Special Issues

Journal Articles

Chapters in Books

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Publications in Symposium, Congress, Forum Proceedings and Refereed Poster Papers

Publications in International Workshop Proceedings


Other Publications (such as public project deliverables). The list is NOT maintained after 2007 due to being too long.

1.  Zeiss, J., Zhdanova, A.V., Gabner, R., Bessler, S. “Semantic Policy Aware System Description“, FTW-TR-2007-010, September 2007.

2.  Sutterer, M., Alapnes, S., Droegehorn, O., Du, Y., Hebbar, A., Marengo, M., Raeck, C., Snoeck, N., Strohbach, M., van Kranenburg, H., Zhdanova, A.V., Zoric, J. “Ontology Definition of User Profiles, Knowledge Information and Services”, EU IST SPICE IP deliverable (D4.1), November 2006.

3.  Zhdanova, A.V., Boussard, M., Cesar, P., Clavier, E., Gessler, S., Hesselman, C., Kernchen, R., Le Berre, O., Marengo, M., Melpignano, D., Nani, R., Patrini, L., Strohbach, M., Villalonga, C., Vitale, A. “Ontology Definition for the DCS and DCS Resource Description, User Rules”, EU IST SPICE IP deliverable (D3.1), September 2006.

4.  Cuel, R., Leger, A., Giunchiglia, F., Shvaiko, P., Zhdanova, A.V., Maynard, D., Euzenat, J., Ding, Y., Lucchese, L., Sure, Y., Stutt, A., Dzbor, M., Motta, E., Pasin, M., O’Murchu, I., Breslin, J. “Technology Roadmap”, EU IST KnowledgeWeb NoE deliverable (D1.4.1v2), 2005.

5.  Zhdanova, A.V., Decker, S., Enguix, C., Stevens, R., Völkel, M. “Consensus Making Environment”, EU IST KnowledgeWeb NoE deliverable (D2.3.5), 2005.

6.  Zhdanova, A.V. “An approach to ontology construction and its application to community portals”, AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin, Vol. 2, Issue (3&4), pp. 61-62 (2005).

7.  Völkel, M., Kruk, S.R., Zhdanova, A.V., Stevens, R., Sure, Y. “SemVersion – Versioning RDF and Ontologies”, EU IST KnowledgeWeb NoE deliverable (D2.3.3v1), 2005.

8.  Keller, U., Zhdanova, A.V., Arroyo, S. “Semantic Web Languages Evolution v3.0”, EU IST Esperonto project deliverable (D2.2), 2005.

9.  Zhdanova, A.V, Bonifacio, M., Dasiopoulou, S., Dieng-Kuntz, R., Euzenat, J., Laera, L., Manzano-Macho, D., Martín-Recuerda, F., Maynard, D., Ponte, D., Tamma, V. “Specification of Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling of the Process of the Consensus”, EU IST KnowledgeWeb NoE deliverable (D2.3.2), 2004.

10.  Zhdanova, A.V., de Bruijn, J., Zimmermann, K., Scharffe, F. “Ontology Alignment Solution v2.0”, EU IST Esperonto project deliverable (D1.4), 2004.

11.  Keller, U., Zhdanova, A.V., Arroyo, S. “Semantic Web Languages Evolution v2.0”, EU IST Esperonto project deliverable (D2.2), 2004.

12.  Martín-Recuerda, F., Harth, A., Decker, S., Zhdanova, A.V., Ding, Y., Stollberg, M. “Ontology Management: Report on Requirements Analysis and State of the Art”, EU IST DIP project deliverable (D2.1), 2004.

13.  Zhdanova, A.V, Lara, R. “Project Presentation and Project Showcase”, EU IST KnowledgeWeb NoE deliverable (D1.5.1), 2004.14. 

14. Stollberg, M., Zhdanova, A.V., Ding, Y., Fensel, D. “Contributions to the Next Generation of Knowledge Management”, EU IST hTechSight project deliverable (D14), 2003.