Employment and Education
December 2022 - present: Full Professor at Wageningen University and Research (www.wur.nl), Wageningen, the Netherlands.
April 2021 - November 2022: Associate Professor at Wageningen University and Research (www.wur.nl), Wageningen, the Netherlands.
June 2020 - December 2022: Associate Professor, Head of Research Unit in STI Innsbruck at the University of Innsbruck (www.sti-innsbruck.at, www.uibk.ac.at), Innsbruck, Austria.
April 2015 - May 2020: Senior Assistant Professor, Head of Research Unit in STI Innsbruck at the University of Innsbruck (www.sti-innsbruck.at, www.uibk.ac.at), Innsbruck, Austria.
January 2010 - March 2015: Senior Researcher and Lecturer, Head of Research Unit in STI Innsbruck at the University of Innsbruck (www.sti-innsbruck.at, www.uibk.ac.at), Innsbruck, Austria.
April 2007 - July 2014: Senior Researcher at the FTW Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien GmbH (www.ftw.at), Vienna, Austria.
February 2006 - April 2007: Research Fellow in Mobile Communications Research group within Centre for Communication Systems Research (CCSR) at the University of Surrey (www.surrey.ac.uk), Guildford, UK.
August 2003 – March 2006: research staff in DERI Innsbruck at the University of Innsbruck (www.uibk.ac.at), Innsbruck, Austria. The work has included 2 research stays at the "sister-institute" DERI Galway, in Galway, Ireland.
July 2002 – July 2003: junior scientific researcher at the A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems (www.iis.nsk.su), Novosibirsk, Russia.
March 2001 - June 2002: programmer with the SIB3 software development company (www.sib3.ru), Novosibirsk, Russia.
Postdoc, senior research fellow and professorship years: 2006-current.
In 2017, I have submitted my habilitation thesis in Computer Science at University of Innsbruck, Austria. The concluding meeting of the habilitation committee was held on 26.02.2018, resulting in the approval and issue of the habilitation degree.
PhD student years: 2003-2006.
Since winter semester 2003, I have been a PhD student at the University of Innsbruck (Institut für Informatik), Austria. I successfully defended my doctoral thesis with the title “An Approach to Ontology Construction and its Application to Community Portals” on 7th July 2006. Thus I entered history as the first female PhD student to get the doctoral degree in Computer Science from the University of Innsbruck. The committee members were Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Strang (chair), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ruth Breu, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Fahringer, and Dr.habil. Jerome Euzenat.
University years: 1998-2003.
In 1998 I entered the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics at the Novosibirsk State University (NSU), which is situated in the well-known “science-city” Akademgorodok of Novosibirsk. NSU is one of the best Russian universities. Its specifics is that basic education is combined with practice in Institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There are several such Institutes in Akademgorodok. Since 2001, I have specialized in discrete mathematics and informatics. Specifically, I have been participating in developing software related to natural language processing at the A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems. In June 2003 I have gained a Specialist degree, which is equivalent to the western Master Degree. My certificate is among the best 20% of all certificates and among the best 5% of Specialist degree certificates.
School years: 1987-1998.
I finished one of the best secondary schools (#130, with a profound study of English) in Novosibirsk in 1998. The last three years, I attended the class specialized in mathematics and physics. My certificate contains mostly excellent and a few good marks. During 1995-1996 I spent one year at Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet (Gothenburg, Sweden). I completed there the first year of the International Baccalaureate programme.