Name: Anna Erschler, née Dioubina

Date of birth: 14.02.1977  

•    EDUCATION                

October  2013   Habilitation degree in Mathematics, University of Orsay

October 2001     PhD degree in Mathematics obtained at St-Petersburg State  University


1999-2000         Postgraduate student in Mathematics, Tel Aviv University,   School of Mathematical Sciences, Israel

1994-1999         M.Sc. in Mathematics, St.-Petersburg State University, Dpt. for Mathematics and  Mechanics, Russia



2014 – present                Directeur de Recherche at CNRS, Department of  Pure and Applied Mathematics, Ecole Normale Superieure, France

2017 – 2020                    Professeur Attaché,  ENS de Paris, France



2013 – 2014    Directeur de Recherche at CNRS, Department of Mathematics,  University of Orsay France                                                                                                                         

2006 – 2013    Charge de Recherche at CNRS,  Department of Mathematics, University of Orsay, France

2003 – 2005    Charge de Recherche at CNRS,   Department of Mathematics, University of Lille, France

2002 – 2003    Postdoctoral position of the European Postdoctoral Insitute,

                                                                         IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette and IRMAR, Rennes, France

2001 – 2002    Postdoctorsal position at St Petersburg Branch of Steklov 

                                                                                                              Mathematical Institute, Russia


2001          Moebius Prize at the Independant University of Moscow,

2002          Annual Prize of St.Petersburg Mathematical  Society

2010          Invited talk at the ICM, Hyderabad

2015          Elie Cartan Prize of  the French Academy of Science

2020          CNRS Silver Medal


2010-2013          Member of CCSU comittee, University of Orsay, France

2014-2014          Member of hiring committee MdC, University of Orsay, France

2017                   Member of hiring committee MdC,  Univesity Paris 7

2010 -2015         Principal Investigator of the ERC starting grant "Random Walks and Growth of Groups"

2017-2023          Principal Investigator of the ERC consolidator grant "Growth, Isoperimetry and Random walks on groups"

2007-present         Member of the editorial board of the journal "Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics"


2011-2011                 Rostislav Kravchenko, postdoc, University of Orsay

2011-2013                 Wenyuan Yang, postdoc, University of Orsay

2013-2015                 Elisabeth Fink, postdoc, University of Orsay and ENS, Paris

2016-2017                 Pavel Zatitskiy, postdoc, ENS, Paris

2017-2018                 Johannes Cuno , postdoc, ENS Paris

2017-2019                 Markus Steenbcok, postdoc, ENS Paris

2018-2019                 Arman Darbinyan, postdoc, ENS Paris

2019                               Tianyi Zheng (senior postdoc, 6 months)  

2014-2016                 Nicolas Matte Bon, phd student, phd thesis  " Liouville property, entropy,   and

                                          amenability of countable groups ",   University of Orsay and ENS, Paris

2016 - 2020              Yanis Amirou,  phd student, phd thesis " uniform bounds for word length and groups of bounded elements",  ENS Paris

2018- 2021                Bogdan Stankov, phd student, phd thesis "Poisson boundary of random walks and isoperimetric profiles of groups ",       ENS Paris

2019-2022                 Nima Hoda, postdoc, ENS Paris

2019-2023                 Ivan Mitrofanov, postdoc, ENS Paris

2021- current           Eduardo Silva, phd student  ENS Paris

2021 -2023                 Josh Frisch,  postdoc, ENS Paris

2022 - 2023              Rachel Skipper, senior postdoc, ENS Paris

2023 - current         Andrei Alpeev, senior postdoc, ENS Paris

2023 - current         Panagiotis Tselekidis, postdoc, ENS Paris


2010               Master course (M2) Orsay, "Introduction to infinite groups"

2012               Master course (M2) Orsay , (with Bertrand Deroin) "Random  walks on groups"

2013               Master course (M2) Orsay, (with Bertrand Deroin) 

                                                                              "Probabilistic and geometric boundaries of groups"

2016               Master course (M1) ENS, (with Laurent Bartholdi)

                                                                                                                         "Amenability of groups"

2017               Teaching seminar  "Property T of Kazhdan ", ENS

2018               Master course (M2)  ENS ,"Geometric invariants of infinite groups "

2019               Master course (M2)  ENS "Random walks on infinite groups "

2020               Master course (M2)   ENS "Random walks on infinite graphs and groups"

2024              Master cours (M2) ENS "Harmonic functions on groups"

minicourses: Orsay, 2004; Marseille, 2003; Ecole Polytechnique, 2008; Toulouse 2008; Roscoff 2010; Goettingen Universtiy, 2010;  Lille University 2013; IHES 2019, YGGT Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer, 2020;

supervision of first and second year master thesis's, tutorial of the ENS students


2004                   "Analysis and Geometry on random structures", Lille, France

2004                    Journee "Marches aleatoires sur les groupes", Lille, France

2006                   "Stochastic processes and random fractals", Lille, France

2007                   "Probabilites et structures aleatoires", CIRM, Marseille, (member of  scientific committee)

2007                   Special Semester "Amenability", ESI, Vienna, Austria

2009                   workshop "Geometry and Probability on groups", Orsay, France

2011                    "Probabilistic Reasoning in Quantitative Geometry" (member of scientific committee),      

                                          MSRI, USA

2014                    Special trimester "Random walks and asymptotic geometry of groups", IHP  Paris, France

                                                                                                                                   (> 250 participants)

2014                   Conference "Asymptotic properties of groups", IHP, Paris, France

2015                   "Growth, symbolic dynamics and combinatorics of words in groups", ENS

                                                                                                  Ulm, Paris, France (> 200 participants)

2015                   GAGTA-2015, CIRM, Luminy, France (member of scientific committee)

2019                   Conference "Quasi-isometric rigidity of groups", Ventotene, Italy

2020                   Conference "Groups, Random Walks, and Dynamics", Paris Diderot (Paris VII)

2022                   Special trimester "Groups acting on fractals, hyperbolicity and self-similarity", IHP Paris, France

2016-current      organization of a monthly seminar in Group Theory in the ENS, Paris

•              OUTREACH

2014      An open day for high school students: "Random walks and groups", IHP,  Paris, France (>100 participants)

2019      An open day for high school students, ENS de Paris, France (>100 participants)

2020      Summer School for high school students,  "Maths-Sciences 2020",  ENS de Paris



February 2011 - August 2011 Maternity leave

September 2014- February 2015 Maternity leave