Horse Training links

Here are some really good links to other websites:

KBR Horse Net - Training

    • They do a lot of work with mustangs here and have some great articles on bomb-proofing, gentling, and creating horse obstacle courses.

Allen Pogue - Trick Training

    • I have been following this guy's yahoo group for years. He is a brilliant trainer, and uses some methods I haven't seen anywhere else. He offers tons of free advice and how-to's if you subscribe to his yahoo group. (Search for "imagineahorse"). I used his methods when I taught Magnum to bow. I also built a pedestal based on his instructions and taught Magnum to stand on it and "salute". (Which, by the way, my mother thought was hilarious and promptly told everybody "the first thing Anna did was teach her horse to salute her!")

Paul Dufresne - Training for Courage

  • If you go to the "Articles" tab, he has some good ones on things like proactive bombproofing, and one I particularly like, "Building Your Own Props".

Tips on Bridling a Horse

  • I include this mainly because when I started Magnum under saddle, I was ignorantly bumping his teeth with the bit whenever I'd bridle or unbridle him, which led to a bad habit of him lifting his head high in the air to avoid the bridle. As a little kid, I was just taught to "push the bit against his teeth" to get it in his mouth, which of course isn't correct. To this day I frequently give my horses a bit of carrot or other treat to encourage them to open their mouth when I go to bridle him.