
Wookie is my surprise pony, conceived when my 3 yr. old Friesian Sporthorse was still a stallion, and my 12.2 hand Welsh pony mare came into season.  However, he has turned out quite nicely, a stocky and bold little guy who looks quite a bit like a Highland pony!  He was born very late, in October, so he is currently 7 yrs. old and about 13.2 hands tall.

He is the most green of all the horses on the farm, but very smart. (It's my own fault that he hasn't gotten more work).  He still occasionally throws "I don't wanna!!" tantrums, for example when he thinks he's done being ridden, and then you turn him away from home. But any misbehavior on his part is just willfulness... he needs a confident rider who can just insist he obey if he tries to refuse.  He is a typical mischievous pony, and knows when the fence is off so he can sneak out and go play with his deer friends.  He is also smart enough to try to sneak back in before Mom catches that he has escaped and foils his future attempts!

We are currently working on being consistent in his gaits and maintaining a rhythmic and steady pace. I have been spending most of my time riding Atticus lately, so Wookie hasn't gotten the work he needs. He jumps, and isn't spooky, just needs more time under saddle.  I would love for an experienced eventer type to lease him!

Wookie, Friesian Welsh cross pony

Child on grey pony riding next to woman on bay horse.