Data Science And Analytics

Indian Institute of Information Technology Dharwad

Data Science and Intelligent Systems


Course: Data Science And Analytics

Course Code: --             Credit: 4 (L3-T1-P0-S0-T4)   Total Hrs:52



Overview: This is a course to understand, learn, and test various available algorithms to perform Artificial Intelligence (AI) in real world projects and systems.


Course Objectives:

●       To understand the importance of data science in systems using various algorithms.

●       To use DS algorithms for solving problems, which are related to the real-world or IT industry.

●       To extend the use of DS to the extent of other domains and fields.

2. Defining AI Hypothesis 

Project: Choose one or more DS algorithms and apply them on real-world applications. Conduct and demonstrate experiments to report the findings and observations.


Course outcome:

CO1. Write intelligent algorithms using existing theories and knowledge.

CO2. Learning artificial intelligence skills to use, create, and develop systems.

CO3. Test, evaluate, and assess a project's capability to behave without human intervention.

CO4. Implementing a part of a project based on the intelligent algorithms.

CO5. Applying the learned theories and algorithms for real world applications, projects, and systems.

Evaluation Method

Item, Weightage (%)

Assignment 1 Write-up of the project: 10

Project Technical work: 20

Assignment 2 Presentation of Project: 10

Quiz or Viva: 10

Mid Term: 20

End Term: 30 

Prepared by: Dr. Animesh Chaturvedi